10 History was made

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Warnings: Crying, lots of crying

History was made

The tears which were slowly but steadily falling down mixed with the almost boiling water. Kurt Hummel stood under the shower and wished he could just drown himself. Getting into the cheerios was the biggest mistake he ever made. He had turned into something he had always despised. He slammed his fist into the wall, trying to fight the despair which wanted to consume him from the inside. A sob made its way through Kurt's body but before another could surface, somebody knocked at the door.

"Kurt?" asked the voice of Burt Hummel through the door. He sounded concerned.

"Yeah?" asked Kurt and was glad that the running water covered his hoarse voice.

"You ok buddy?"

"Sure. What should be wrong?" said Kurt and tried to make his voice as cheery as possible.

"It's 12:45 in the morning Kurt and it sounds like you were punching walls" Burt said still with a concerned voice.

Kurt turned off the water and grabbed a towel.

"I just knocked over some bottles. No big deal" lied Kurt and quickly tried his tears. He looked at his arms and made a disgusted face. They had the color of a lobster and were burning a bit. Damn Sue was going to kill him tomorrow.

Sue… new tear of anger fell down and he wanted to punch the wall again. He had to suppress the urge because his father was still standing outside.

"If you are sure" his dad said. "But remember that you have school tomorrow. So don't stay up too long."

"I won't Dad. Good night" Kurt said and finally after a "good night Kurt" his dad left. As he was sure Burt would not return, Kurt got out of his bathroom, completely ignoring his facial routine and threw himself on his bed. He buried his face in his pillows and did not care that they were already wet from when he had cried before. Not able to sleep, Kurt grabbed his phone and unlocked it.

There was one new message. Against all odds he hopped it was from Blaine. His boyfriend or was he still Kurt's boyfriend, he did not know, he hadn't answered one of Kurt's text since Kurt had left a few hours ago. He did not know if they were broken up or if Blaine forgave him and this not knowing was killing him.

He did get a text from Amelia though. He did not remember the exact words of the text but it was basically "I am gonna break all of your bones and cut off your dick and feed it to the sharks".

Strangely he was not freighted because the relief that Blaine had told Amelia and she was there for him was more powerful.

With a strange feeling in stomach he opened the text but to his disappointment it was not from Blaine. It was from Mercedes.

Everything alright? –M

In a split second he dialed Mercedes number and hoped she was not yet sleeping. To his luck she picked up after the second ring.

"Hey Kurt. What's up?"

"Mercedes…I…" he managed to choke out, before the tears came again. He tried to suppress his sobs but they came out anyway.

"Kurt everything will be ok. Just break yeah" the diva tried to hush him gently but it was no use. Kurt kept sobbing.

"Kurt! Listen to me" said Mercedes forceful through the phone and Kurt finally managed to listen to her.

"I am coming over. Give me 10 minutes and then wait at the door so we don't wake anybody. You understand Kurt?" said Mercedes and Kurt only nodded as answer although he realized his best friend could not see him. But she didn't need an answer. She hung up and 8 minutes and 30 seconds later, Kurt was huddled against Mercedes and was crying again. He had never cried so much since his mum had died.

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