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"you ready!" Flame called out.

"oh yeah!" Zealot replied. She was pumped to see what they ate here. It was so cool around this place, how could they not eat amazing food.

"you know... You look really good on you, brings out your light blue eyes and jet black hair."

"thanks! She said as they ran down the path they had come from.

Soon they got to the second biggest building on-site. It was black, like most buildings, with gold and silver detail. She realized alot about this place was influenced by the legend. The one she had to play a big part in. The one she may die trying to complete. They took a quick step in after opening the solid wood doors. When you first walk in, you hear alot of talking, though you could tell it was kept to a maximum. Soon after people started looking at her, she heard gasps, then more people would look at her.

"the silver rider..." she heard one boy say.

"are you kidding? Shes a joke! Drako will take her down easy" a girl snarled, but she didn't care, she was busy admiring the place. Paintings that were obviously suppose to represent the legend hung everywhere. There was at least 500 different tables out there, and even more chairs.

"let's go... just ignore them..." she heard Flame whisper in her ear. They walked over to the line and people just opened up for them. They may not like her very much, but they did know to show her respect.

"Jason ordered them." She heard Eternity say.

" oh..." she felt a little disappointed that people don't just show respect.

They were led right to the front of the line. Flame scooped up some orange jiggly stuff that looked like jello on to his plate, as well as someone scooping a plop of something, that looked like hotdish, on his plate. Zealot decided to do the same.

"hehe, don't know what this is do ya?" Flame chuckled as they walked to a far table, one of the only ones with a silver tablecloth, other then about 7.

"hey guys!" Flame yelled, loud enough so he could be heard over the noise. "this is Zealot! She will be hanging out with us!"

"hey" everyone replied to her.

"hi" she told everyone. She scanned across the table and inched closer to Flame. She could see a grin on his face.

"this is Damion" he pointed to a boy with clean cut bleach blond hair. His clothes had an emerald green color for stitching. "this is Bree" he pointed to a girl with long curly brown hair, and purple stitching on her uniform.

"and this is Seth" he pointed to a boy, older then the rest by about a year. He had obviously dyed his hair a bright red, and his stitching was a royal blue.

"well now that we are all introduced, let's eat!" Seth yelled.

They all started to eat, but Zealot. She had no idea what this stuff was. She hated eating new things but she new this was going to be a time she had to.

"that brown stuff. It's named blink. Very good for you, keeps your heart healthy, and mind in focus. And the orange stuff provides all your daily fruits and veggies, as well as other things. With this meal, you can't go wrong." Flame assured her.

She took a bite. Chewed it, and swallowed. It tasted like nothing. No after taste, no flavor, no... nothing.

"it's... Interesting..." Zealot said.

"you mean flavorless? Yeah... You get used to it." Damion replied.

That made Zealot smile. Lots of things since she came here have been serious... Soon she will have to take on the fight of her life... And possibly lose...

"hey... Let's get some sleep! You got alot ahead tomorrow!" she heard Eternity say.

"hey guys... Im gonna head off to bed... I'm sure I am going to have a long day tomorrow..." she told everyone at the table.

Flame turned to look at everyone before turning around.

"I'll bring you there" he said.

"I think I can walk home alone-" Zealot started.

"please... Just so I know you got there safe." he protested.

"fine..." she agreed.

He held he hand as they walked out and in the background they both heard people whistling and saying little comments.

When they got back to the house they saw Jason sitting there, waiting for them.

"Ahhh... Zealot! Flame!" Jason said" did your day go good? No arguments?" he seemed to direct the no arguments to Flame.

"yes, it was great!" Flame and Zealot said in unison.

"good!" Jason replied "now your dragon is inside..."

"INside?" Zealot screamed.

"relax... In this one there is a place for dragons to be! You better go see how his day was!" Jason exclaimed.

"I will!  Thank you sir!" she made a dash for the house.

The two men then became serious.

"she meet him?" Jason asked grimly.

"no, I stayed with her the entire time... Not once..." Flame replied.

"I want you to bring her to training tomorrow..." Jason commanded.

"but... Drako... He is in that class..." Flame protested.

"I understand your concern... But they need to meet someday..."

"I know..."

Both men walked away with mourn ridden on there faces.

THE SHADOWRIDER- THE FIGHT FOR FIRE (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now