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"hey, Zeal, get up." she heard through her sleep.

"Zealot! This is important" a different voice said. 

"UUUHHHHHHHGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" was all that came out of her mouth.

"ok... Mrs. Uhgh, will you get up..?" the same voice said again, and she realized it was Flame.

"I sure did pick a winner..." the other voice said, as she knew by the comment, was Eternity.

She slowly opened her eyes to get a full bucket of ice water dumped in her face. She stood up and stared at Flame in a way she never had before, she was furious.

"FLAME!" she screamed, before he put his hand over her mouth, stopping her from yelling completely."muhh nae miy duba muhh" and that's when she stopped. And he pulled his hand off her mouth.

"Flame, do you know what time it is?!" she whispered, but gave the impression that she would be yelling if she could.

"yeah, but we need to find where Drako went." Flame said.

"no! Just no! I will not go over and try and find some creeper, no good im-" she suddenly stopped as Flame kissed her. It took her a few moments to register, but she understood what was going on and soon, she kissed him back. As they pulled away they looked at eachother.

"that's a nice way of telling me to shut up..." she said.

He smiled and spoke his side.

"we don't have a choice, Zealot, he is out here somewhere, and we need to find him." Flame said, the awkwardness still very evident in his voice.

"we will go tomorrow morning..." she mumbled, as she plopped back down on the bed she moved into the dragon room in the home so she could sleep with Eternity.

"no! Now!" Flame complained.

"we. Go. Tomorrow." Zealot growled, obviously not in the mood to discuss the matter further.

"fine, tomorrow..." Flame said, then walked to his room, three buildings away.

Zealot had a very weird dream that night. She was walking along, trying to find Drako. her, Flame, Eternity, and Blitz. There was a rustle in the trees, and all eyes turned to it, as though trying to make sense of it all. and Drako popped out, just as Typhoon flew down and crashed on to Eternity. Zealot pulled out Shade, and Flame pulled out a shiny red hilted sword. They both charged at Typhoon, but Drako pushed them back. Then in one mega bite, Typhoon bit into Eternitys neck. The screech of pain so loud. It was his death cry. Eternity lay there, holding on for his life. Determination still evident in his eyes. That's when, even during complete darkness, a shadow flew above them. There was a screech, unlike any battle cry Zealot had ever heard before. It struck fear into not only your heart, but your soul as well. The figure, blending in to the night sky, landed next to Zealot. She looked into his eyes, yet saw no emotion. Who is this man? Why was he in her nightmare? So many questions. It seemed that darkness itself was radiating off on his flesh. The man hopped off his dragon.

"let the dragon go." he commanded"or I'll kill you before you even die at the hands of the silver dragon." he directed that more to Drako, then Typhoon, but was still clearly to blame.

"I. Want. You. Two. Dead." the man spoke again.

Drako looked at him, with more of a look of hatred, then anything else. Then his eyes widened.

"you expect to kill me with no sword?" Drako laughed, enjoying that he noticed it.

"Zealot!" the man said, in a voice that didn't sound at all like him.

The dream disappeared, and she saw Flame shaking her to wake her up, with Eternitys concerned eyes locked on her.

"oh, good, your finally up!" Flame said, felling overjoyed. "we tried everything to wake you up, but you just wouldn't."

Wake me up? But... The dream... So real...

"let's go! We need to find Drako and Typhoon!" Flame stuttered.


"Zealot, if we don't go, we won't beable to sneak away today... I wouldn't wait till tomorrow... Why you two are dragon-back, you can sleep." Eternity spoke aloud.

"... Alright..." she finally agreed.

And they set off to find the gold rider and dragon, Zealot unknowing of who she saw in her dream, but new she would see them again, so she lightly closed her eyes, and within minutes, she was sleeping.

THE SHADOWRIDER- THE FIGHT FOR FIRE (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now