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"Flame... Where are we going?" Zealot asked, why she had a blindfold over her eyes.

"no where!" he laughed.

She could hear a door creak open and both there steps inside. They didn't go up the velvet staircase, as she heard her footsteps on the steps. After the beginning she was completely lost. She had never been up hear and figured Flame was about to pull something... She was unsure what.

"alright... In front we have the last staircase." Flame announced, obviously very proud that he made it all this way without her taking off the blindfold.

"ok..." she mumbled.

They started to go up. She held on to the railing and took one  step at a time.

"stop!" Flame commanded, and she did."there is a door rift in front of you" te explained.

"oh... Will you open it?" Zealot asked.


She heard a door click after the handle had been turned, then a door creak open. Flame lifted her in to the room. She heard gasps from people all around. Something to Zealot felt... Off. She didn't know what it was, but did understand she was somewhere that her senses told her 'fight'. From somewhere in the room she heard a boy talking. He had a deep, very cracky voice, that shook her up. It was mind numbing. Bone chilling. She ripped her blindfold off and what she saw made her heart speed, her reflexes race, and her head kick it in to overdrive. She started thinking battle strategies. If he lunged, she could slip down to the ground and trip him, and take his recovering moment to kill, or if she lunged, she could wrap her sword from behind to his throat, but it's leaving her back wide open. That's when he took his blindfold off and saw her. She looked at him. He had light blue eyes, just like hers. He had dark brown, skaterboy style hair. As soon as She saw his eyes She knew this was him, this was the gold rider. He started walking over to her, and she did the same. They stared at each other for a split second before turning away.

"you must be Zealot..." he snarled.

"h... How did you know that?" Zealot asked.

"heh, I was the one who created that stone!" he roared."it was all your parents asked for as a final wish, and it would set you off, so I was happy to oblige!"

"YOU!" she screamed "YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!"

He got a satisfied look on his face. She new though just to brush those feelings aside. Fighting an enemy out of rage was never the way. It will always lead to disaster.

"oh, and my names Drako." he told her as he walked away.

"I don't like him, either, nobody does." Flame whispered.

"then why are they all on his side." Zealot asked.

"because" Flame started."he has the gold dragon"

Zealot looked at him."even if he does, why would they take his over mine? I am friendly, he isn't, so why?"

"well, it's that the silver dragon never won a fight, so naturally more will be on the gold dragons side."

"one more question" Zealot stated."why would the gold dragon pick someone like him?"

"she was born with him... The same way you found Eternity. He found the egg when he was not so... Rotten. He has been here for quite some time... A year or two with Typhoon."


"his dragon. Anyways, she wants to leave, but Drako won't let her. He has her fooled in to thinking that he could actually send the whole Alliance to kill her."

"that's... Horrible! Now I REALLY can't wait to kick his butt!"

She heard Eternity chuckle in her mind. "I new I picked right!"

"you sure did!" was Zealots reply

She looked around the room to see there was an entire floor of the alliance building dedicated to this room.

"training room" Eternity said.

"gotcha" she said.

She looked to see Jason in the middle telling people what to do. He spotted her and shot her a smile, then once finished with the two students he walked over to us.

"Flame, Zealot, you two are sprawling partners." he said. "uh... Zealot? Where is your sword..?"

"... I don't have one..." she replied.

"wait? You don't have one? Every time a new legendary rider, like yourself, comes they always get a mysterious bundle. And in it is an elemental sword."

"elemental sword?" Zealot asked, sounding confused as ever.

"either a gold or silver sword, depending on the dragons color."

"I did get the bundle... But it had a note on it saying it 'may change my fate' signed by the Shadowrider himself, so I didn't open it..."

"well! That's a new one!  Have heard nobody, gold or silver, ever not open the bundle." Jason chuckled, "come we will go get it."

At that moment a huge window on the side toward the village opened, showing nothing but sky, and the ground, as far down as it may be.

"I'll come and get you..." Eternity said.

"thanks buddy!" Zealot replied.

Seconds later the sound of air smashing in to wings and there was three dragons. Eternity, and two others she didn't recognize.

"Zealot, meet Blitz, my dragon." Flame said directing his attention to the blood red dragon.

"and meet Spark, my dragon." Jason said, directing his attention to the orange dragon.

"hey dragons..." she told them awkwardly.

"let's go." Flame said at last.

All three hoped on there dragons and nose dived to the ground. It seemed like a contest after it was done, what dragon would get closest to the ground without touching it before spreading there wings. Obviously, Eternity won, after all, he is an attention hog. They flew over everyone and landed right in front of the Zealots house.

"now go get that bundle, Zealot." Jason told her.

She ran in to the house and went up the steps. She knew exactly where it was. She barged in to her bedroom and climbed over her bed to the dresser. Instead of seeing the black bundle she knew was here before she found a black sword with a note. She examined the sword. It was black, hilt and blade, with dragons etched in to the hilt and colored one gold, one silver. They looked as though they were both going in for the killing blow on each other. There was a line etched right down the middle of the blade, on one side it was gold, the other it was silver. She realized she needed to show this to Jason and Flame. She grabbed the sword and note and ran out.

"J... Jason this is what I found... It was exactly where the bundle was, but the bundle was nowhere to be seen."

He took the sword and examined it. His eyes widened as he understood what she had.

"Zealot... Do you have any idea what this is?" Jason asked her.

"no, but I was hoping you could tell me."

"well yes I can..." Jason continued.

"well what is it!" Flame cut in, eager to learn of the sword his new friend has ownership of. 

"this, Zealot," he started "is the Shadowriders blade."

THE SHADOWRIDER- THE FIGHT FOR FIRE (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now