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Inside she saw fire burning not red, not blue, not even white, but gold. It was shimmering like 1000 suns.

"the fire of the gold dragon... He wanted us to know it was him." Eternity said.

"wouldn't the fire in the dragon rooms be gold too?" Zealot asked her dragon through her thoughts.

"a skilled enough dragon can control how hot the fire is. Only a legend is able to create fire like that... Gold and silver fire are even hotter then white. But black fire is the hottest. The Shadowrider is considered the master of fire, shadows, and stealth. He can create any kind of fire. Gold, silver, and black." Eternity said.

"uh hu..."

Zealot walked in to the gold fire and felt the heat radiating off the walls. I was hitting her legs like a was to a cliff.

"help! Someone! Helpppppp" she heard the voice bounce off the walls. She looked at the direction it came from and forgot about the heat. She sprinted off. Up the stairs down Hallways and to the middle floor. She knew that was the training room, and that that was where the voice came from. As she entered the room she saw the ceiling caving in, and a figure tied to a support pole. She tried to make it out and realized it was Jason.

"Jason! Hang in there!" Zealot shouted then sprang in to action. She grabbed her sword off her back and sprinted to him. A figure sprung out and lunged at her, the gold shimmering on the gear telling her he was Drako.

"your not leaving here with your life" Drako growled. She looked in his eyes and they told her he was serious. She wouldn't fight him now. Neither had there dragon. She would save her strength for the real fight. She looked in his eyes and gave him a quick glare, before digging her nails in his chest and pushing him off her. She heard him howl, but with no shadow waves... He doesnt know... Does he? She saw pain in his eyes but didn't bother to help. She realized at some point in time, Gladius must have slid out of her hand. She looked Around and saw the blade glowing red, and she knew it was burning hot.

"Zealot, just untie the rope, come for the sword later." Eternity advised. She looked at Drakos eyes, asthough daring her to come closer. She made up her mind. She grabbed the shirt off Drakos back, after a few failed attempts for Drako to escape. She grabbed the blade using the shirt, and felt nothing through it. She realized there time was limited and, looking to the moon, noticed it was almost dawn. She sprinted through the room and sliced the thick ropes off Jason, almost cutting him in the process.

"th...thank you... Zealot..."

"don't thank me yet, we are not out yet..." Zealot said. She noticed a big whole where part of the ceiling collapsed through the wall.

"I'm on it" Eternity said, noticing her plan.

She ran out to the whole with Jason running after her. She felt her feet threatening to cave in through the floor. Then she heard a crunch, and a crash. She looked behind her to see Jason's foot had fallen through, and his leg was now badly cut. Zealot pulled out her now cooled off blade and stabbed the floor next to the whole. She heard a crack and saw a little spot was just about to fall off.

"hold on." Zealot yelled as she kicked that spot just hard enough to brake it off. She grabbed Jason and pulled with all her might, but it was no use. She had no way of getting him out. She couldn't do it. She turned around to see the familiar gold eyes of her silver dragon looking at her. She looked at him and they seemed to connect for a second. She grabbed Jason and held with All her might, and Eternity grabbed her back and pulled. Within seconds the two people where flying through the air, screaming, at about 100 miles an hour. Eternity flew under them and made an amazing catch. He gently glided Down and landed his paws on the ground with a thud.

"Zealot, thank you" Jason said.

"your welcome" Zealot said.

A big black dragon suddenly appeared next to Zealot with none other then Ryder riding her. He looked down on his daughter with pride, but also with sadness. He had a feeling she wouldn't be the Shadowrider. Her turning in to it proves it. He couldn't help wondering if she was different. She was the Shadowrider. She had to be. She did the shadow wail. As the picture of the wail ran through his mind over and over again, he noticed something was wrong. When she let the horrid noise loose, the noise coming from her mouth was none other then thousands of... Ghosts? It should be shadows... Not ghosts.

"you should have seen her!" a young girl said.

"yeah! She was amazing!" a younger boy looking similar to her said. Zealot guessed they were siblings.

"she let out this... This... Wail! It sounded like ghosts howling!" the girl said.

Jason obviously got worry in his eyes by the ghost howling part. He shot a nervous look to Ryder, which Ryder responded by looking to the ground. Even Eternity seemed on edge with that news. Zealot noticed the entire exchange, but decided to keep quiet until a later, more convenient time.

"ghostly... Wail..." Jason said. He sounded almost curious.

"Jason..." Zealot started, until Ryder put his hand over her mouth, telling her to keep quiet.

"so you must be Jason, leader of the great alliance?" Ryder asked.

"yes. And you, I suspect, are the Shadowrider?" Jason said in reply.

"yes... And Zealots father."

Ryder got a different array of looks from the crowd, unknowingly gathering around them. Some looked at him with awe, some with respect, and some with dirty looks. They felt he shouldn't have had a child. Why would he? It's not fair. Not to them.

"you are Zealots father?" Jason asked, seemingly confused.

"yes. I Came to request permission to personally train my daughter, and a partner, to reach the best of there abilities." Ryder spoke, seeming wiser then before.

"yes, but the partner must be the best fighter in tue expert class." Jason said, "Flame"

Zealots eyes widened. Flame?! FLAME?!?! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

"if it is ok with him, that is" Jason said.

All eyes turned on Flame. He only noticed one though. Zealots. He saw her blue eyes cut through all others and reach him. They didn't look at him, they look at his soul. He felt himself smile, knowing he wouldn't be able to resist an offer like this. Train with the Shadowrider? No... It wasn't that... Train with Zealot? He knew his mind had made itself up right away.

"please!" Flame started."it would be my honor to train with the Shadowrider, and beside the silver rider!"

Zealot smiled. Had he really said that!!! He wants to train by me? This is great!

"great!" Ryder said. "I expect you both right here at dawn!"

Zealot looked at him like he was nuts. Dawn? Like thee dawn? Like the-MORNING? she couldn't do that!

"Ryder... Um... Dawn?" Zealot said.

"oh, your right! Let's start now!" Ryder laughed, knowing full well she wanted for it to be later.

"UGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Flame and Zealot moaned in unison. All three pulled out there swords and looked in to each others eyes, then both Flame and Zealot charged at Ryder at once.

THE SHADOWRIDER- THE FIGHT FOR FIRE (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now