Chapter 19

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By now Gale has probably started to rip off his hair at how annoyed and worried he is about me. I think Gale would be one to do that.
Since Peeta and I arrived his aunt's, a few hours ago, Gale has been calling me non-stop.

I take out the phone from my jean's pocket and sit in the bed of the guest room where I'm currently in. Peeta is downstairs with his aunt, and by how she looked when we arrived, he is probably comforting her. I almost feel bad for being here. This should be a family encounter, for them to grieve about the loss of Peeta's grandfather.

I answer Gale's call this time. "Hello?"

Gale's answer is immediate, and I can almost see the worry laced on his voice, well, and the frustration too. Ignoring his calls will certainly cost me a good lecture, but I just needed time to think. "Katniss! Where are you? I've been worried sick! Why haven't you been picking up your calls!?"

I lick my lips, that suddenly feel dry "I'm sorry Gale." I mumble.

"I went by your dorm this morning. You weren't there. Where are you now?" He asks, less frantic this time.

"I'm in Boston, Gale." I answer. "I'll be back in a few days."

"What? Boston!? What are you doing in Boston, Katniss? How are you even in Boston? Your car is still parked out front."

That's it. I've been caught, I'll simply have to tell him I came with Peeta. I can't just lie to him, he'd never believe me. "I came with Peeta." I say cautiously.

There's silence in the other line. I can hear Gale's heavy breathing through the phone. Is he mad? Or is he just jealous that his girlfriend took off with some guy ,that she is sort of in love with, to another city. Without warning anyone.

"Gale? Still there?"

This brings Gale back. "Yeah, Katniss. I'm here. What are you doing with in Boston with Mellark?" He asks. He's mad, or jealous, or maybe both.

I think of an answer. What am I even doing here? Why did Peeta decide to bring me on this? Why me, out if everyone? "Don't worry, Gale. Peeta and I are just friends There's nothing going on, you don't have to be jealous." I state as convincingly as I can.

"I'm not jealous!" Gale grumbles.

"You are. You just don't want to admit it." I insist. Gale huffs.

"Well Katniss, how do you want me to react? My girlfriend just went off with some guy to another city without any apperent reason, while leaving me here without any explanation, without even warning, or picking up my calls. Not to mention that the guy she left with happens to be the Legendary Peeta Mellark, the same guy she disappeared with for two whole weeks around a month ago! Let me see, why shouldn't I be even a little bit jealous and worried about my girlfriend?"

I'm not sure what to say. I never thought Gale had any sort of insecurance about us. He always seemed so confident about our relationship, and now he's jealous of Peeta? What does he think we are? Is there something that he can see and I can't? I swallow the lump in my throat.

"You know what? We'll talk when you get back. I'll leave it for now." Gale mumbles. The line goes dead and I feel nervous again. Why did I think it'd be a good idea to come with Peeta? Why is he even in my life still? Wasn't I supposed to erase every remnants of Peeta Mellark from myself the first time I let Gale kiss me? Why do I keep messing everything up?

"Why are we even in Boston?" I grumble.

I'm pushed away from my thoughts when Peeta comes in the guest room.
"Katniss, I need to go out to run some errands for my aunt, I'll be back in a few hours." He says, his voice somewhat devoid of emotion. I immediately realize that there's something really wrong.

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