Chapter Three - Because I Love You

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Gillian woke up to sunlight streaming in from the window. She realized Cal was no longer holding her hand. She started to panic. What if last night had just been a dream? What if he still didn't know she was pregnant? Though she had to admit there were better ways of him finding out than eavesdropping on her conversation with Torres, it was better than him not knowing at all. She sat up and saw the folded piece of paper laying on the pillow beside her. She grabbed it and read it.


I needed to get to the office and I didn't want to wake you. You looked liked you hadn't slept in weeks. Don't come in today. Take the day off and relax, calm down. I'll cover for you. I promise I'll talk to you later.


So it hadn't been a dream after all. Yesterday had happened. Cal knew. He didn't seem mad at her either. And he'd stayed last night when she'd asked. At least he didn't hate her.
Gillian looked at the clock. 9:15. She usually got to work at 8:00. She got up and got dressed. She never took off of work. And she wasn't going to start now.

Cal walked into the office at 8:45.
"You're always last to arrive, but this late, even for you."
"Loker, who's the boss?"
"You. And Dr. Foster."
"Good, so whatever time it is I decide to arrive is on time. Got it?"
"Apology accepted."
"But I didn't-"
"It's okay. I saw it."
Cal walked to his office leaving Loker standing in the hall. Ria walked over to him.
"Leave both him and Foster alone for a while. Okay?" She told Eli and walked away.
"Wait, why? What do you know that I don't?"
Torres ignored him.

Ria had put the pieces together when she got home last night. Foster and Lightman had started avoiding each other the day Gillian came in late. And yesterday, when Cal had interrupted her conversation with Gillian, Ria had not only seen surprise, but also happiness and fear in his face. She'd talked to plenty of expecting parents before, and for some reason, those were the three most common emotions that appeared on the father's face. Which meant Gillian and Cal must have slept together that night. And now, Gillian was pregnant with Cal's baby.

Cal, Eli, and Ria were in the conference room when Gillian walked in. None of them said anything but Cal gave her a look. He wasn't surprised she was here. Even though he'd told her not to come, he knew it probably wouldn't do any good. Gillian was stubborn. If there was any way Gillian could be at work, she would be.
Cal turned back to the men in grey suits that he'd been talking to before she walked in.
"This is my business partner, Gillian Foster."
Ria shot a look at Eli. Since when did Cal refer to Gillian as his business partner instead of just his partner? Ria saw confusion flash across Foster's face too but she masked it quickly.
"As we were saying, the young woman's body was found in an alley a few hours ago by an off-duty prostitute. Claims she had nothing to do with the murder but the alley is nowhere near her normal area. We'd just like you to interview her and tell us what you think."
"We'll interview her shortly." Cal said and the two men excused themselves.
Cal looked at Ria.
"I know you recorded that. Go watch it. They were lying about something and I want to know what."
Ria left and Cal turned to Gillian.
"Foster, in my office." He said and headed that way. She followed him.
"Shut the door."
When that was done, Gillian sat in one of the chairs in front of Cal's desk.
"So I see you decided to not listen to me." He observed.
"Since when do I ever?"
"You have a point."
There was an awkward silence between them.
"So is there any particular reason you wanted to see me or no? Because it seems to me that we should be working on the case we just got. Who were those guys?"
"Henry Smith and Robert Stevens. They work for the DC Police. There was a murder earlier this morning and they were assigned to the case. They also happened to be first to the scene. And on a different note, about future cases. You're not flying anywhere."
"You're staying here with Loker and Torres is coming with me."
"When hell freezes over!"
"You're not flying anywhere until you go to an appointment with your doctor. And that's final."
"Cal, I'm fine! And last time I checked, I was your partner, not Ria."
Gillian flew out of the chair and headed towards the door.
"Come back here, we're not done to talking."
"Oh yes we are. We don't have anything else to talk about anyway."
"Really? Shouldn't we talk about what you're going to do?"
"About what? The baby? You know damn well that I'm going to keep it. But don't worry about it, it's not your problem, it's mine."
"Gillian, I'm not going to make you raise our baby on your own."
"Yeah, well, it isn't our baby, is it? It's mine."
With that, Gillian opened the door and stormed down the hall. Cal raced after her. He noticed everyone had stopped working and was staring at the two of them. He grabbed Gillian's arm and spun her around, pulling her to him and kissing her. She started to kiss him back, but then shoved him away and slapped him.
"What the bloody hell was that for?"
"You don't get to do that! You don't get to screw with my feelings! You don't get to kiss me or sleep with me and then pretend it never happened! That's not fair!"
"I'm not pretending anything didn't happen!"
"Oh, really? Then why don't you just tell everybody? Right now!" She yelled at him.
"Tell them what? That I got you pregnant? Yes, it's true! I did! And I don't have a problem telling anyone that! And you know why? Because I love you, damn it!"
Gillian stared at him, speechless at his confession. Cal stepped forward and kissed her again. But this time, she didn't push away. And she didn't stop herself from kissing him back.
"Our baby." Cal whispered when they broke apart.
Gillian nodded.
"Our baby." She whispered back.
Everyone else had been silent until now. But Loker finally spoke up.
"Well, it's about time you two stopped pretending you were just business partners because that's always been a load of bullshit. The rest of us have known this was a long time coming."
"Sorry to break up this happy moment, but there was just another murder. Same motive. Whatever it may be." Anna, the secretary interrupted.
"Five blocks from here."
"Well then, I guess we should get down there. Get Torres." Cal told her and turned to Gillian.
"You're not going."
She opened her mouth to argue but he wasn't finished.
"You don't feel well and don't bother telling me you feel fine because we both know that isn't true. If you don't want to stay at home, that's fine. But you're staying here. Take a nap or something. You look exhausted."
Gillian knew it wouldn't do any good to argue with him. And he was right. She did feel nauseous and like she might fall asleep any second.
"Promise you'll call if you need me?"
"I promise."
With that, Ria walked over and the two headed out. Gillian went to her office.
She didn't think of anything else as she laid down on her couch, having decided to take Cal's advice and take a nap. She drifted off and was soon having a nightmare.

She was in an unfamiliar dark alley. She ran, though she didn't know where exactly it was that she was running. Then she saw the body. It was small, the body of a child. She got closer and realized it was a little girl. She kneeled beside her and screamed. There was blood everywhere; there were stab wounds in her chest, and a deep gash on her face. But the worst part? It was Sophie. Gillian didn't know how she knew, she hadn't seen her daughter since she'd been taken away, but she knew. This was her baby girl.

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