Chapter Twenty Two - Christmas Party

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So you guys should really follow @MessinSouls because she's my best friend and she writes really amazing stories. Even though she doesn't update them very often.

Gillian woke up and was momentarily confused. Then she remember that she'd fallen asleep in the spare bedroom. What she didn't remember was the strong arms wrapped around her and her face in his chest. She looked up and saw Cal watching her.
"What time is it?"
"Nearly ten."
"When did you get here?"
"About eight thirty last night. You didn't answer your phone so I came to check on you. You were sound asleep."
"You didn't have to stay. But I'm glad you did."
"Well, I wasn't just going to leave you how I found you. You weren't even under the blanket."
"I came in here around seven, I think. I finished wrapping and ate a sandwich first. But then I got tired."
"It's fine, love. Em's with Sophie at home. She went to bed early too. 7:45."
"It was the energy slump after all those cookies." Gillian giggled.
"That's probably what your problem was too. You ate more of them than she did."
"I just really like chocolate, okay?"
"I know. And so does the rest of the world."
"As much as I'd love to stay here and cuddle, the baby has other ideas. I'm starving."
"Get dressed and I'll take you to the little cafe you love so much."
"But you hate it there. You don't even eat breakfast."
"But you do. And according to you, it has the best breakfast in town. So get dressed."
Gillian put a hand on his chest.
"Okay. But it's not even breakfast now. It's brunch."
She kissed him and then got up. She went into the master bedroom and opened her closet. She just pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, she'd just have to change for the party later anyway.
Cal walked into the living room and found Gillian making trips to her car and loading it with the presents with a huge smile on her face.
"Why so cheerful, love?"
"My clothes are getting tight. I'm starting to show." She said gleefully.
It was true. Gillian always wore tight-fitting t-shirts and now the subtle curve of her stomach could be seen through the fabric.
"I can see that. It's rather adorable really."
Her smile got even bigger as she carried the last three presents to her car.

After they'd eaten, they went home. Sophie was eating a grilled cheese sandwich and goldfish for her lunch.
"Hey, Soph."
"Hi, Mama. What you drinking?"
"Orange slushy. We got you one too."
Cal walked inside right then and put it on the counter.
"And one large grape for you." He told Emily.
"Where's yours Dad?" Emily joked.
"He drank it on the way home." Gillian smirked.
"Dad, you don't even like slushies!"
"The strawberry ones are pretty good."
Cal admitted.

A few hours later, Cal and Gillian walked into the office. They felt they should at least work for a few hours, considering neither of them had been there for a week.
"Loker, in my office!" Cal exclaimed as he passed the younger man in the hallway.
"Nice to see you too." Eli muttered but followed his boss to his office.
Cal plopped down in his chair behind the desk and looked at Loker.
"So, which case are you working on right now?"
"Well, Ria is currently vetting the security people for the job at the Treasury and I'm working on the sex scandal for James Powers."
"Yes, the presidential candidate. Where are you on that?"
"I'm not finished digging yet but they seem to be true."
"Have you interviewed him?"
"Not yet but-"
"Well why the bloody hell not?"
"I've been-"
"You've been what? Too busy kissing Torres in the break room?"
"I- wait, what?"
"You're busted." Gillian said from the doorway.
"Hi, love."
"James Powers is here. He wants to talk to you."
Cal got up.
"Loker, go help Torres vet the security guards. I want them finished by the end of the day."
"Yeah, sure. Whatever."
"If you want to catch an attitude, you can find employment somewhere other than The Lightman Group."
Cal followed Gillian out of the door.
He paused right outside.
"Oi, Loker! If you don't want people to know I suggest you stay away from the security cameras!"

Gillian changed in the bathroom. She'd brought her clothes for the party to work, there was no reason to go back home and then have to turn around and come straight back.
The blouse was cream colored with a black bow around the waist. It accentuated her tiny baby bump.
The pants were just black slacks and she put phone, lipstick, and a few other things in a black clutch and left her purse in her office.
Cal was going to be unimpressed with the shoes. Tan stilettos were not his idea of pregnancy friendly shoes.
She put her things away and walked out of her office. Sophie was asleep on the couch. She'd gotten her presents from the staff earlier then announced that she was tired around eight. Emily had thought to bring her a pair of pajamas when they'd arrived around four.
The Christmas party was in full swing in the lobby. Emily had what sounded like Idina Menzel's holiday album playing in the background while the employees talked to each other and exchanged presents.
Gillian's eyes searched but she couldn't find the one person she wanted to see the most.
"You wouldn't be looking for me now, would you?"
She turned around and Cal was standing behind her.
"You look beautiful, darling."
"You don't look half-bad yourself."
They joined hands and went and spoke to their employees, wishing them all a Merry Christmas. Gillian gave Ria her Secret Santa gift, which was two tickets to see Lil' Wayne. For some reason, Ria loved the rapper and he was coming to D.C. in April so Gillian had gotten the tickets.
Ria in turn gave Cal his present because it was she who had drawn his name. It was a new watch, and a rather expensive one at that. Cal made a mental note to give her a small bonus on her next paycheck to compensate.
Eli came up to the group, which now included Emily, who were drinking punch.
"So are any of you my Secret Santa?" He asked.
"No, I had Ria." Gillian answered.
"And I had Lightman."
"Well, it's not me." Cal said. "Because I have Gillian."
"But you told me you had Anna!"
"I lied."
"There's no way you got Foster." Ria stated.
"Actually, I saw him pick. He really did get Gill." Emily told them.
Cal pulled a wrapped box out of his pocket. Gillian took of the wrapping paper and opened it, finding a beautiful pair of diamond earrings inside.
"I love them! Thank you."
Gillian leaned over and kissed him.
"Okay, you two, get a room." Somebody said behind them.
Cal and Gillian broke apart and everybody turned around.
"Ben! What are you doing here?" Gillian asked.
"I invited him." Emily answered.
"Unless I'm not welcome here."
"You're always welcome here, mate." Cal told him.

Three hours later, around midnight, everybody headed home, leaving only Cal, Gillian, Emily, and Sophie at the office.
"You did a good job, Em." Cal told his daughter as they picked up cups that had been left sitting around. Gillian had gone into her office to get her things after announcing that she was exhausted while trying to help them clean up. The father and daughter duo had immediately told her to go wait in her office because they could do it by themselves. Neither of them wanted Gillian to end up in the hospital. Again.
Emily bowed.
"I try my best."
Fifteen minutes later, they were finished. They walked together to Gillian's office.
Sophie was asleep on the couch and Gillian had fallen asleep sitting beside her.
"I'll get Sophie, you get Gill?" Emily jokingly asked in a whisper.
"Sounds like a plan."
Emily carefully picked up Sophie and managed to get Gillian's purse and the clothes she'd changed out of earlier.
Cal gently picked up Gillian and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She stirred as he carried her outside.
"What about my car?" She murmured.
"I'll bring you come get it another day. We can tomorrow if you want. But tonight, I'm going to take you home, you're going to change clothes, and go to bed."
Gillian's voice was barely about a whisper; she was almost asleep again.
And by the time they got home, she was out like a light once more. Cal laid her in the bed and slipped off her shoes.
A few minutes later as he turned out the lights and got in the bed himself, he heard her whisper,
"I love you, Cal."
"I love you too, Gill."

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