Chapter Thirteen - Telling Emily

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Cal let Gillian sleep. He didn't know what she'd been through but she had stitches and Emily had a cast on her arm. Whatever had happened, she probably hadn't slept much.
Emily was being quiet in the front seat.
"Em, you okay?"
"Yeah. Are you?"
"I'm fine. But something's bothering you. What is it?"
"Dad, do you know Gill is pregnant?"
"Of course I know. Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know. I just thought maybe you didn't."
"You thought I'd be upset, didn't you?"
"Well, I mean you said you loved her when I asked you all those months ago. And now-"
"Well, it's a good thing it's your dad's baby then, isn't it?" Gillian said, rather sleepily.
She felt Cal's chest shake as he laughed quietly while Emily shrieked and started hurling questions at them.
"Wait, what? When? How? Does everyone at the office know? Does this mean you and Gill are together?"
"Okay, yes, it's my baby, about eight weeks ago, if you don't know how your mother and I obviously didn't raise you very well, yes, and it's complicated."
"You love her, she clearly loves you, what's complicated?"
"Because if we screw up, we screw everything up. Our friendship, our company, everything."
"Well, it looks like one is going to be messed up unless you two get together."
"We are together. Sorta."
"Then act like it."
"Yeah, Cal. Act like you love me or I'm gone."
Gillian said it with a joking tone and Emily laughed but Cal looked at Gillian's face and saw that she meant every word.
"I hope you know that you and Sophie are staying at the house."
He kind of changed the topic. But not really.
"Why? So you can keep a check on me?" Gillian asked.
"Something like that."
"I'm not going to argue."
He hadn't expected her too.
"Em, do you want me to drive?" Cal asked.
"Normally I'd say no but I've been awake for over 48 hours so I'll pull over and let you drive."
"48 hours? Why?"
"Because I drove from Chicago to D.C. after I woke up at 5:30 to get ready for my 7:00am class and my last class was at nine o'clock at night because I'm an idiot and I actually signed up for that and it's a twelve hour drive. Then I waited at the house because you'd already gone to work and I was going to surprise you but you didn't come home last night so I went to the office and this whole fiasco happened so I had to drive all the way to Boston because nobody has the money to fly and even the FBI agents don't trust each other anymore after this so they all drove separately too because none of them would get on a plane together. And it's an eight hour drive from D.C. to Boston."
"Sorry?" Cal offered.
Emily and Gill both cracked up laughing.
"I never said it was your fault!" Emily exclaimed, still laughing as she pulled into a gas station so she could switch with her dad.
Gillian climbed out of the car and got in the front passenger seat. She still wanted to be close Cal. Although, if she were being honest with herself, she always wanted to be close to him.
Emily slid into the backseat and shut the door.
"Cal, I have to pee." Gillian announced.
"Well, you're not going in there."
The gas station was in the middle of nowhere. Even Gillian had to admit it looked more than a little shady.
"Okay, fine. But as soon as we get somewhere that you deem "safe", you have to stop.
"It's a deal."
They got back in the car and left.
After a while, Cal glanced at Gillian.
"You ever gonna tell me how you ended up with stitches, love?"
"Depends. Are you ever going to tell you why Dillion wants you dead?"
"You first."
"He slapped me and I fell backward into the desk. I hit my head and was on the floor. So they had to stitch me and do an ultrasound."
"And no flying, no sex, no stress, no lifting anything over ten pounds, nothing because I need to carry this baby for at least 28 more weeks and I've suffered a partial placental abruption which if it had been any worse, I would've had a miscarriage."
"Cal, I don't want to talk about it, okay?"
Fine, we'll talk about it later."
Gillian sighed.
Cal glanced to the back. Emily was out like a light.
"Gill, I know that I said it's complicated earlier when Em asked. But the truth is that I don't care how complicated this gets, I still want you."
"I love you, Cal."
It was the first time she'd said the words out loud, even to herself, but she realized she meant it more than she'd even meant anything else.
"I love you too, Gill."
She knew he meant it too. And suddenly she knew that no matter what happened, she'd never go through any of this alone.

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