Chapter Thirty Seven - Sick

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Apologies for the terrible mess the last chapter was.
I'm sorry it's taken so long to update. I love you guys!

Gillian woke up around nine the next morning. She still felt exhausted but she managed to get herself out of bed.
Cal was downstairs cooking breakfast. Sophie was sitting at the table stirring her spoon around in a bowl of Cheerios.
"Morning, love. You're just in time." Cal told his fiancée with a kiss.
"I'm not very hungry. I don't want much."
Cal raised his eyebrows.
"Do you feel okay?"
"I'm just tired, that's all."
He gave her a plate.
"Sophie's appointment is at eleven-thirty. I can bring her if you don't-"
"It's fine. I'll take her. You need to go to work."
"I don't have-"
"Seriously, Cal. I'm fine. I'll take Sophie to the doctor. Go to work. I'll call you when we're finished. I promise."
"Okay." Cal sighed and gave a Gillian another kiss before he went upstairs to change clothes.

He got to the office and found he was the first one there for the first time in, well, ever. It took an hour before Anna, Sarah, and Charles walked in and another thirty minutes for Eli and Ria to follow.
Cal walked into the lab where they were all talking.
"I should fire you all for coming into work hungover. Just for the fun of it."
"Please don't." Ria groaned. "It might make my head hurt worse than it does already."
Cal tossed the lot of them a couple aspirin a piece.
"Go home. Come back when you feel better."
Eli caught the ziploc full of medicine.
"Yeah. Gill and Sophie don't feel well so I'm going home too."

Gillian had a pounding headache as she walked into the doctor's office holding Sophie's hand.
"Mama, I tired. Not feel good."
"I know, Soph. That's why we're here."
Sophie had thrown up again before they left home and Gillian wasn't feeling so peachy herself.
"Sophie Foster."
Gillian stood up and picked up Sophie, who had fallen asleep beside her. She knew she wasn't supposed to but she didn't have the heart to wake her up just yet.
The nurse led them into an exam room and Gillian tried to put Sophie down but the little girl wouldn't let go of Gillian's shirt.
"What if Mommy sits on the doctor's table with you?" The nurse suggested.
"Please?" Sophie asked.
With being pregnant and holding Sophie, it took a little maneuvering for Gillian to get up on the table but she did it.
"Sophie, open your mouth so she can take your temperature."
"No! I don't want to!" Sophie kicked and screamed.
"Sophie Kristine, stop it!"
"Do you want me to do Mommy's first?"
Gillian opened her mouth and the nurse stuck the thermometer under her tongue.
"See? It's no big deal." Gillian told her daughter when the thermometer was removed.
"Um, Ms. Foster?"
"You have a fever of 103.5."
"Have you feel achy or tired at all?"
"I've been achy and exhausted since I got pregnant."
"We'll have to do the same tests we do on Sophie on you."
"It's fine."
"Your turn, Sophie."
Sophie now opened her mouth with no fuss.
"Mama, you win!"
"You're right, I win." Gillian laughed.

On the way home, Gillian tried to call the office but nobody answered. Next, she tried Cal's cell but he didn't answer either. That was strange.
She was surprised to see Cal's car in the driveway. He was supposed to be at work.
She unlocked the door and went inside. She'd picked up her and Sophie's prescriptions on the way home after being assured that the antibiotic was safe for the baby.
Cal was sitting on the couch.
"Hi, love. How did the appointment go?"
"A little unexpected."
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah. But we both have the flu."
"Both of you?"
"My temp was higher than hers."
"Well, it's a good thing I came home then, isn't it?"
"You didn't have to do that."

Gillian made until three that afternoon before she threw up.
Cal followed her into the bathroom as she bent over the toilet.
"Ugh, not this again." Gillian groaned. Cal rubbed her back.
"You're going to be okay, love."

Sophie felt better after a few days. Gillian, however, not so much. All of her symptoms were gone except for the nausea. She hadn't even tried to eat anything in thirty-six hours because she didn't want it to come back up.
She'd tossed and turned all night, barely sleeping. Her back was killing her; she couldn't get comfortable.
In short, she was absolutely miserable.
"Go away, Cal!"
"I brought your medicine."
"I don't want it! It isn't helping!"
"I also brought Tylenol and ZzzQuil. I called Dr. Ryan and she said you can take it. Thought the first might make you feel better and the second might help you sleep."
"Great, now I'm a drug addict."
"Gillian, just take it."
"Christ, stop acting like a two year old!"
"I'm not acting!"
"Gillian Claire, do not make me force medicine down your throat. I don't want to."
"I'm not taking it! Leave me alone and go away!"
Cal sighed and grabbed the Tylenol first since they were in pill form. He put one arm over Gillian's chest and held her down. She kicked and screamed but Cal managed to get the pills in her mouth. She spit one back in his face. He dumped the liquid medicines in her mouth before she could spit out the other. He put one hand over her mouth and the other over her nose, forcing her to swallow.
"Screw you, Cal!" Gillian screamed when he let her go and nearly punched him in the face but he caught her fist.
"That's what happens when your fiancé was a member of MI6 and American intelligence."
Gillian pulled the diamond ring off of her finger and threw it in Cal's face.
"Well, you can have this back!"
She rolled onto her side, away from him. Cal bent over and picked up the ring, placing it on the nightstand beside the bed before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.

When she woke up, Gillian felt much better. The pain in her back was just a dull ache and she was no longer cranky from sleep deprivation.
She sat up and looked over to the nightstand to check the time and was surprised to see her engagement ring sitting beside the clock. Then she remembered the medicine, the arguing she'd put up.
Gillian grabbed the ring and slipped it on her finger before hurrying downstairs. Cal was working on his book at the kitchen table while Sophie sat beside him coloring.
He looked up from the typewriter.
"Feel better?"
"Cal, I'm so sorry!" Gillian exclaimed as she burst into tears. He got up from the table and walked over to her, pulling her close.
"I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it!"
"I know you didn't, love."
"I just-"
"Gillian, stop crying. It's okay. We're okay."
Gillian reached up and wrapped her arms around Cal's neck.
"I love you, Cal."
"I love you too, darling."

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