Chapter Twenty Six - Amniocentesis

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Gillian's appointment was the following week.
"Cal, I'm scared. What if something is wrong?"
"Then we'll love the baby just the same."
"And I hate needles."
"That's why I'm going. To distract you."
Gillian smiled.
"The baby's going to be just fine." Cal told her.
"I promise."
They bid Sophie and Emily goodbye and drove to the doctor's office.
They didn't have to wait for very long before a nurse called them back.
"Ms. Foster. How are you?"
"I'm fine."
"How's the morning sickness?"
"Much better."
"Any more bleeding or back pains?"
"My back still hurts sometimes but nothing unbearable."
"That's normal. Everything seems to be fine, but the ultrasound and amnio will confirm that."
She left and a few minutes later, Dr. Ryan came in.
"Ms. Foster, nice to see you again."
"Thank you, you too."
"Dr. Lightman." Dr. Ryan nodded in Cal's direction.
"Do you have any questions or concerns before we get started?"
They shook their heads.
"Okay, Gillian, if you would please lift your shirt."
The doctor squeezed the cold gel onto Gillian's exposed stomach. In the last week, she'd "popped", her baby bump was obvious now.
She moved the little wand around and the small room filled with the sound of a heartbeat.
"There's the baby. Everything looks good. It's measuring about four inches, which is perfect for 15 weeks. The heartbeat is strong and regular and you seem to be doing okay so there doesn't seem to be anything to worry about. Your blood pressure is a little higher than last time but it's not too bad yet. If it continues to climb, you might end up with preeclampsia but let's not worry about that now."
"Um, okay."
"We're going to numb your stomach and do the amniocentesis."

Gillian squeezed Cal's hand as the needle went in. She could feel it enter the amniotic sac and though it didn't hurt, it was extremely uncomfortable.
But before she knew it, it was over.
"We'll have the results back in about two weeks. We'll call you when we get them. Unless you have a problem or question before then, I'll see you later."
"Thank you."

The phone rang early in the morning two weeks later. At 7:00. They were getting ready to go the office.
"Cal, you answer it. I can't."
"Yes, you can, Gill. Everything's fine."
She took the phone and pressed talk.
"Hi, Gillian. This is Dr. Ryan. We have your amnio results. I'm sorry for calling so early but we have to make calls before the office opens at eight."
"I understand."
"Would you like your results over the phone or would you like to come in?" Gillian took Cal's hand.
"Over the phone is fine. Unless there's something I need to come in for."
"No. Your test came back perfectly normal. You have a healthy baby."
Gillian started to cry. Cal was right, she'd been worried for nothing.
"Would you like to know the gender?"
"Yes, of course."
"Congratulations, you're having a baby girl."
Gillian was speechless. She was so overwhelmed with happiness that words escaped her.
"I have to go. If you need anything, just call or come straight to the office. Congratulations again."
"Thank you. Goodbye."
Gillian hung up the phone and Cal waited while she processed whatever she'd been told. Then she spun around.
"Everything's normal!"
Cal grinned.
"I told you everything was fine."
"It's a girl!"
"She's going to be as beautiful as her mother."
She kissed Cal and then pulled him towards the stairs.
"We have to go to work!"

"So, Foster, did you get your results back yet?" Ria asked.
"The doctor called this morning. Everything is normal. The baby is healthy."
"Do they know if it's a boy or girl yet?"
"Well, do you know?"
"Then which is it?"
"You'll find out when the baby's born."
She and Cal had decided to drive everyone at the office crazy by not telling them the gender of the baby until after she was born.
"That's not fair."
Gillian rolled her eyes.
"Whatever, Ria."

"Gill, I've got a case across the country." Cal told her.
"Where exactly is across the country?"
"Vegas." He said slowly.
"Cal, nothing good ever happens when you go to Vegas."
"Ellis has disappeared. Nobody has seen him in a week. And for one of the most influential men in the poker world to go off the grid isn't a good thing."
"Why can't the FBI do it by themselves?"
"They think I know Ellis. They want my help."
"You do know Ellis." Gillian pointed out.
"No, I did know him. Then he got me banned from the city."
"Please don't go."
"Gill, I have to."
Gillian sighed and placed her hand on Cal's chest.
"I know. When do you leave?"
"FBI said wheels up in thirty. So I have to go now to get there in time."
He grabbed his go-bag from the study.
"Cal, please be careful and don't do anything stupid."
"I won't. I promise."
He kissed her goodbye.
"I love you, Gill."
"Love you too, Cal."
Gillian watched as he disappeared down the hall. She missed him already.

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