Chapter Thirty Nine

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I'M BACK BITCHES!! I missed you guys!

Special thanks to my friend Abigail Crater for helping me with this chapter😉 Go follow her on Twitter @saveferris

"I'm sorry we couldn't go." Gillian apologized for what must have been the tenth time. She and Cal hadn't gone to Miami for a week stay at a resort, which had been their Christmas present from Emily. But Gillian hadn't been feeling too great lately and the doctor didn't thinking traveling so far would be a good idea. Gillian was 27 weeks today. She could technically carry the baby another 13 weeks but everyone knew she wouldn't. Mainly because it was too risky. Gillian's blood pressure was still high, high enough now that a few weeks ago, Dr. Ryan had diagnosed her with preeclampsia. She was probably going to be on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. She was currently sitting on the couch watching reruns of The Golden Girls.
Cal had gone to work and Emily had just come down from bringing Sophie upstairs for her nap. Her dad had sent her over so Gillian wouldn't be by herself.
"Gill, it's fine. Stop apologizing. I wouldn't have let you go anyway. You need to it easy."
"You know, you beginning to sound a lot like your dad, Em."
"You should expect that by now."
"Believe me. I do."
Emily sat down and changed the subject.
"So did Dad ever okay your date for the wedding?"
"Yes, he said July 29th is fine with him."
"You know you're going to have to get your dress as is or with very few alterations, right?"
"I know. But at least I won't be pregnant and look gigantic in all of our photos."
"You were pregnant for your engagement pictures." Emily pointed out.
"I also happened to get my maternity pictures on the same day." Gillian reminded her. They'd gotten them done last week and both shoots had taken a total of seven hours.
"Point taken."
"We don't have to wait that long to get your dress though."
After deciding that they would have a small wedding with only family and close friends, Cal had handed all planning to Gillian. She, Emily, and Ria ran with the freedom and the kitchen table soon turned into Wedding Central. It was covered in magazines, event planners, checklists, fabric swatches, flowers, anything and everything.
"I don't need a special dress to sit in the front row, Gill."
"I don't want you to sit in the front row."
"What do you mean?" Emily asked, a little confused.
"Em, will you be my maid of honor?"
"Of course!" Emily squealed.
Emily thought the best thing about the whole situation was the grin that came over Gillian's face.
She shot up from her position on the couch and enveloped the older woman in a hug.
"I love you, Gill."
"I love you too, Em."
The door swung open and a voice yelled "COME ON AND SLAM IF YOU WANT TO JAM" Emily and Gillian turned around at the same time and stared in disbelief. Adam Sandler had broken into the house and had the entire cast of Space Jam with him. They slammed the door and said "YOU TWO. WANNA BE IN SPACE JAM 2" they were so shocked they didn't answer. Adam Sandler got impatient and yelled "ANSWER." Gillian whispered, "what is space jam" ADAM SANDLER YELLED "YOU DONT KNOW WHAT SPACE JAM IS? ITS ONLY THE GREATEST MOVIE THAT CAME OUT 20 YEARS AGO TODAY GILLIAN. Gillian looked at him and said "how do you know my name?" "I KNOW EVERYONES NAME GILLIAN. IM ADAM SANDLER I KNOW EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING THAT THERE IS TO BE KNOWN. SHUT UP EMILY" Emily opened her mouth to say "but I didn't say anything" but Adam Sandler quickly shushed her and said "THIS IS FOR BADMOUTHING PIXELS" and dunked on both of them. Sick.
They then went to Hollywood, where Space Jam 2 was made and only made $5 at the box office, meaning only one person saw it. That person? Adam Sandler. The end.

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