Chapter One - Mistake

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This is my first Lie To Me fanfic. Please enjoy and please comment with your opinion.

Gillian woke up to an unfamiliar room. Nope, never mind, it was Cal's bedroom. So not that unfamiliar then. She'd been in here plenty of times over the years. But this time was different. This time, she wasn't the only one in the bed. And this time, neither party was clothed.
She thought about last night.

Cal and Gillian walked into the office. Ria and Eli tried to talk to them but neither of them were having it. They went into their respective offices and shut the doors.
They'd been too late. Isaiah Hartman had killed his brother, Mason, and his daughter. He'd killed Mason's wife the week before but it had taken Cal and Gillian too long to figure that out. Now an entire family had been wiped out.
Gillian was getting ready to leave but stopped in Cal's office to say goodbye. He was sitting at his desk and had a glass in hand, drinking who knew what.
"Cal, we tried. We did everything we could. We did our best."
"Yeah well, sometimes our best isn't good enough, is it?"
Gillian knew how he felt, she felt the same way. But she wasn't going to let Cal get drunk over it.
"Cal, it's over and drinking isn't going to change anything! Just go home. Please."
She always did this when he had a drink whether it ended with him drunk or not. He supposed it had something to do with her dad being an alcoholic, stumbling home all the time, often in the wee hours of the morning. Gill didn't know he knew this, didn't really want him to, but he knew anyway.
Gillian pleaded with her eyes for him to put the drink down. It reminded her of her dad and she feared alcohol would take away someone else she loved.
Cal dumped the drink in the trash can.
"Whatever you say, love."
He grabbed his coat and turned off the lamp on his desk. He walked over to Gillian and in the dim light coming from the window, Cal could see tears pooled in her eyes.
"Hey, come here." He said, pulling her into a hug.
"Every time I see someone with a drink, I see my dad." She sobbed.
"I know. I've known for a while. But I'm not him, okay? Getting drunk every once in a while isn't going to cause me to become an alcoholic. And I was just going to have that one drink tonight and go home. And when came in here, all I'd had was one sip. And you just saw me pour the rest of it in the garbage. So please don't cry."
Gillian finally removed her head from his chest. She looked at Cal and he gently wiped the tears from her eyes.
She didn't say anything. She didn't have to. Cal could see the gratitude in her eyes and she knew it.
Then suddenly his lips were on hers. And she was kissing him back. They stood there and eventually Cal had taken her home.

Gillian knew she shouldn't have kissed him back. But she did. She knew she shouldn't have come home with him. But she did. She knew when he stopped last night to get protection she should have let him. But she didn't. Although that last part more than likely didn't matter anyway. She'd never been able to get pregnant and nothing had done anything to change that now.

Cal woke up when Gillian started to move. Out of all of his stupid decisions, sleeping with her had to be the worst. He turned over and realized Gillian wasn't quite awake yet.
"What the fuck? What'd I do? How'd I end up lying naked with you? I was stone-cold stupid sober so I can't blame the drink. I was needy, I was greedy, and I just didn't think. That's a lie, I thought about it a lot. I had lots of warning thoughts I forgot. Just another bad decision I guess. Just another pile of crap in the mess. Now I've managed to involve my best friend. Will my trail of sad mistakes ever end?" He thought.
Even in his current situation he couldn't help but think that sounded like song lyrics. Maybe he should go into the business. He'd probably hurt less people.
Gillian opened her eyes and saw Cal staring at her.
"What time is it?"
Cal glanced at the clock on his side of the bed.
"6:30. We have to be at work in an hour and a half. I'll go make breakfast first though."
Cal turned and pulled his pants on before going to the closet and getting clean ones, along with a shirt and tie. Gillian's eyes followed him as he went into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.
She should have known he'd treat her like this. Like he treated all the other women he'd screwed. Like it never happened. It was a one-time thing. One night and that was it. Except most of those women he met in bars or casinos and never saw again. But Gillian had to work with him every day. And she'd had feelings for Cal since the day they met. And she'd buried them, she'd been married at the time anyway. But now she and Alec were divorced and none of her other relationships ever worked out. She always broke them off before things got serious. She knew she was supposed to be with Cal. She always had. But apparently Cal wasn't supposed to be with her. He never looked at her that way, at least, not until last night. And that was over now too.
She got up and pulled on her clothes. She hoped no one at the office would realize they were the same as yesterday. Maybe no one would notice. They'd only seen her for all of fifteen seconds after all.

After breakfast, she and Cal had driven to the office in silence. She'd gone in, him following fifteen minutes later. He didn't want anyone to know about last night apparently. That thought upset Gillian. He didn't want anyone seeing how low he'd fallen, sleeping with his business partner. And it hurt.

Cal waited in the car. The ride to the office had been short and silent. He let her go in, following her fifteen minutes later. He figured she didn't want anybody to know about last night. She'd probably never speak to him again about anything other than work if this morning had been any indication of the future.
He wanted Gillian to be his. And only his. He'd loved her from the moment he first saw her, it had just taken him a while to realize it. And now he'd screwed up his chances. And he hated himself for it.

Gillian was wrong.
"Isn't that what you were wearing yesterday?"
Those were the first words out of Ria's mouth.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Gillian lied.
"Gillian Foster so got laid last night." Eli told Ria.
"No, I didn't. And even if I had, it wouldn't be any of your damn business!" Gillian snapped.
She went into her office.
Eli turned to Ria.
"Well, if there's a repeat, he better know what he's getting himself into." Eli told her.
"I heard that!" Gillian yelled from her desk.

Cal walked into the office. He was immediately greeted by Eli.
"Foster so got some last night. She was ten minutes late this morning, which has never, in the history of The Lightman Group, happened before, and she's wearing the same clothes she was wearing yesterday."
"And what did she have to say about this allegation?"
"She denied it. And then got pissed at me for even bringing it up."
"Well then, if Foster said it didn't happen, it probably didn't happen. And even it it had, it's her personal life and business and not yours, isn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
Cal could tell Loker wasn't going to let this go. But he ignored him and went into his office.
He went and sat down at his desk. So Gillian was denying she'd slept with anybody. Cal guessed that meant they were going to pretend it had never happened.

Gillian could hear Cal's conversation with Eli. They were standing right outside her open door for crying out loud. Cal didn't say anything to him, he just backed Gillian's story. God, this hurt so much more than she ever thought it would. She used to think that if she could be his for only one night, she'd be happy. But obviously, that wasn't going to be the case.

Lyrics to What The Fuck belong to whoever owns the rights to the Broadway musical If/Then

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