Chapter Forty-Four - Annaliese Kate Lightman

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in two months! I promise I haven't forgotten about you guys! I'll update as often as I can find the time! Thank you for being patient and continuing to read! I love you guys!

This chapter is dedicated to conTROYEbartomlinson because she's great and you should follow her and thank her for reminding me that I haven't updated this in forever (once again, I'm sorry about that).

After everyone had gotten to hold Annaliese, Cal made them leave. Emily was taking Sophie home for now so it was just Cal and Gillian.
The nurse came in to take the baby to do tests not long after.
"Do you have to take her right now?" Gillian asked.
"I'm afraid so. We have a few tests to run. They're just the routine ones, they don't take very long. We'll bring her back as soon as she's done."
"Okay." Gillian said as she gave Annaliese to the nurse. She starts to cry as the nurse leaves, making Gillian upset.
"Gill, love, don't cry. Se's in good hands and she'll be back in less than twenty minutes."
She didn't say anything else and Cal realized she'd finally fallen asleep. He turned off the light and pulled the shade down over the window.

Fifteen minutes later, the nurse came back in. She noticed Gillian was asleep and walked over to Cal.
"Everything's fine. And she's going to be breastfed right?"
"That's what Gill wants."
"She's going to need to eat as soon as Ms. Foster wakes up."
The nurse handed the baby to Cal and left. She stared up at him with bright blue eyes, the same color as her mother's.
He sat down in the rocking chair with her.
"You're very lucky, you know? You were born to the best mum you could have in the whole world. She loved you even before you could remember you existed and she'll let you know it. I love you too."
The rocking gradually sent both of them to sleep.

They woke up to the sound of Annaliese crying.
He got up and brought her over to Gillian.
"She's just hungry, love. The nurse said she needed to eat as soon as you woke up."
"Can you unhook me in the back?"
Cal undid the top of Gillian's hospital gown and she pulled down one side and let Annaliese latch on.
"This is the weirdest feeling in the world. But at the same time the most natural."
"It's only weird because you aren't used to it yet."
As Annaliese was eating, Cal could see Gillian start to cry.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. God, Cal, I'm so happy. Happier than I've ever been. And it's all because of you."
"I don't think I'd go that far, love."
"No, it's true. You've given me everything I've ever wanted."
"You're everything I've ever wanted."
"I love you, Cal."
"I love you too, Gill."
"I'm sorry for every horrible thing I've said and done to you for the last 8 and a half months."
"Water under the bridge, love."

Two days later, after making sure everything was definitely okay with both Gillian and the baby, they were allowed to go home. To their surprise, they found Ria, Eli, and Emily in the kitchen cooking.
"You three didn't need to do this." Cal told them.
"No, we didn't. But we wanted too." Ria replied.
"Where's Sophie?" Gillian asked.
"Taking her nap. She's been asleep for about two hours so someone should probably go wake her up." Emily answered.
"I'll go wake her up. Cal, can you get Annaliese out of her seat?"
"Course, love."
Gillian put the car seat down and went upstairs. Sophie was still fast asleep in her bed. Gillian gently shook her.
"Sophie? Sweetheart, you need to wake up."
"I don't-Mama! You back!"
"Yes, I'm back. Daddy is downstairs."
"What about sister?"
"Emily is downstairs in the kitchen."
Sophie sat up and gave Gillian a look.
"Mama, you know that not the sister I meant."
Gillian smiled.
"Anna is downstairs with Daddy."
Sophie jumped up out of the bed.
"Can I go hold her?"
"Of course. But remember to be careful."
"Because she's just a little baby?"
"Because she's just a little baby." Gillian confirmed.
Sophie rushed downstairs and Gillian went to follow her but then realized that Sophie's bed was extremely comfortable and she didn't want to get up.
"I'll only lay down for a few minutes." Gillian whispered to herself.

Cal came upstairs two hours later and found her fast asleep. He didn't want to wake her but he didn't have a choice.
"Gill, love, wake up. It's time for Anna to eat."
"Hmm?" Gillian asked, still mostly asleep.
"It's been two hours. Annaliese needs to eat."
That woke Gillian up.
"Okay, I'm coming."
Cal smiled at his fianceé.
"You're going to have to get used to the no sleep. It lasts for about ten years."
Gillian looked at him.
"You know I don't care."
"I know you don't."

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