Chapter Four - Sophie

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"Foster, wake up!"
Gillian's eyes shot open and she saw Eli standing over her. She realized she was crying.
"I walked in here to get you and you screamed."
"Sorry, it was just a nightmare. I'm okay. How long was I asleep?"
"About an hour and a half."
"What did you need me for?"
"It's not me that needs you. Some social worker is here with a kid. Said he needs to talk to you. He's in the conference room."
Loker walked out and left Gillian alone on her couch.
It couldn't be real, right? Eva Locke had taken her daughter back almost three years ago. But that was the only child that could be waiting with a social worker in the conference room. She stood out and dried her eyes. She pulled a mirror out of purse, making sure her mascara wasn't running before walking out of her office and nearly running into Cal.
"What's wrong?"
"I feel horrible, I fell asleep, had a bad dream, and now a social worker is here to see me. So to answer your question, everything!"
"Okay, just take a moment and calm down."
"It's her." Gillian said, near tears like she always seemed to be these days.
Cal didn't need to ask who she was talking about.
"But you haven't seen her since-"
"I know but that's the only person it could be!"
"Then why is she here? With a social worker instead of her mother."
"I don't know. But they're waiting for me in the conference room. Cal, I don't know if I can do this!"
"No one said you had to. I can go ask them to leave."
"No, I have to. I don't why she's here, but even if it's only for a few seconds, I have to see her. Every time I see a little girl, holding her parents' hands as they walk down the street, I have to keep myself from running over and hugging a stranger's daughter."
"I know, love."
"Come with me. Please."
"Of course."
They walked to the conference room in silence. Pausing outside the door, Gillian steeled herself before going in, followed by Cal.
"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Dr. Gillian Foster, and this is my partner, Cal Lightman." She said, offering the man her hand.
"Chris Edwards."
"How may I-"
Gillian stopped mid-sentence. Chris has shifted and now she could see the little girl sitting in a chair behind him. Her brown medium length hair was in pigtails and she had on a pink outfit. It was the same little girl she'd seen in her dream. She was intently watch the screen of the tablet in front of her, which was why she hadn't noticed when Gillian and Cal had come into the room.
"And that's Sophie."
Gillian stared at her. The baby that had been taken away from her was just that- a baby. This little girl in front her was three years old; she could walk and talk, unlike the baby that Gillian had loved and lost.
"What's wrong? Why are you here?"
Gillian asked. Seeing Sophie reopened old wounds that Gillian wasn't sure she could deal with again.
"Ms. Locke was killed in a car accident two days. That means Sophie is now in your custody."
"What?" Cal and Gillian asked at the same time.
Chris pulled out an envelope an handed it to her. Gillian opened it and found a letter.

"Dear Gillian,

"If you're reading this, it means something has happened to me and you now have custody of Sophie.
Two months after I took Sophie from you, my boyfriend left me. For good. My mom and dad are both dead and my sister is in jail so Sophie has no one left but you.
I regret taking her away from you. I'm sorry for the grief and pain that I caused you by doing so. If I could go back, I would have left her with you. That's not to say I don't love her, I do, more than my own life. But you could provide so much more for her, something she deserves.
I haven't forgotten you. Sophie has never called me Mama or Mommy. Always Eva. I raised her to think of me as her permanent babysitter. She knows what you look like and what you are to her, I've made sure of that. You are her mother. You always have been and forever will be.
I was sorry to hear about your divorce. But I changed my instructions so you would get full custody instead of joint with Alec. I don't want her growing up around someone like that; the thought terrifies me.
Please take of my baby for me. I love her so much.

Please forgive me for everything,

Gillian looked up.
"She's mine?"
"If you want her. You can have 72 hours to think about-"
Gillian looked Cal, who nodded.
"I don't need 72 hours. I've made my decision."
"Which is?"
"I've already lost her once. And I'm not about to lose her again."
Chris smiled.
"There are a few documents I need you to sign, I'll go get them. I left them in my car, I didn't know if I would need them."
"That's okay, I understand."
"I'll be back in a few moments. I'll leave Sophie with you."
He left the room and Gillian to Cal.
"I know I said I don't need to think about it, and I don't. But I'm terrified."
"Well you don't have to do it alone. Nobody is going to make you. I'll help, Torres and Loker will help, everybody will."
Gillian turned back to her daughter, who still hadn't noticed her presence.
"You should probably go to talk to her." Cal advised.
Sophie chose that moment to look up. Gillian and Cal watched as the little girl's entire face lit up.
Sophie jumped up, tablet forgotten and ran to a surprised Gillian. She jumped into Gillian's arms and hugged her tight.
Cal could see Gillian trying to hold it together.
"Let it out, love. She's your daughter. And you haven't seen her in three years."
Gillian let a few tears escape.
Eva really hadn't let Sophie forget her.
Chris came back in with a stack of documents. He gave Gillian a pen and started pointing out the places she needed to sign.
"Alright, that's it."
"She's mine?"
"She's yours." He pulled another envelope out of his briefcase. "A list of Sophie's favorite foods, what she likes to do, allergies, and shot records. Her car seat is over there."
He pointed to the corner.
"I'll be back in a month to check up on Sophie and how she seems to be adjusting."
"Okay, thank you."
"Good luck."
With that he was gone, leaving Cal and Gillian, who was still holding Sophie.
"Gill, go home. We've got it covered here."
"What about the case?"
"I've got the case covered. And you'd probably just fall asleep on your couch anyway. Go home. Be with your daughter."
"No. Go."
She knew Cal wasn't going to budge on the subject and going home with Sophie seemed like a pretty good idea.
She went and got her things from her office. She tried to put Sophie down but the little girl wasn't having it. So she carried her to the car, Cal carried the car seat.
He put it in and Gillian buckled Sophie in it. She shut the door and turned to Cal.
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it."
"Call me if you need any help on the case?"
"Of course. But I think we've got it covered. Go home, don't stress."
"I'll try not to. But I make no promises."
"I guess that's all I can ask."
"Will you stop by after work? Please?"
"Yeah, of course."
Gillian and Cal both realized then and there that no matter what it was Gillian ever asked him to do, he would do it. His weakness, her advantage.
"Thank you."
He went around and opened her door.
"I'll see you later, love."
Gillian got in the car and Cal watched her drive away. It was in that moment he realized something. He always had been and always would be completely and irrevocably in love with Gillian Foster.

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