Chapter Twelve - Gillian Finally Gets Her Nickname

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Why I continue to write this I'll never know because it's not like anybody actually reads it.

Cal nearly jumped out of his skin when the door burst open.
"You two, up! Now!" The man yelled, pointing a gun at both Cal and Ben.
He led them out and into another room. This one had two doors, one on each side of them room.
"Stay here until I get back." The man growled before slamming the door.
"Well this is a nice change of scenery."
Ben stared at Cal.
"I was being sarcastic."
As soon as the words were out of Cal's mouth, all hell broke loose. Both doors burst open at the same time and Ben and Cal hit the ground as bullets started whizzing over their heads. He heard shouting from everywhere in the building.
Cal felt himself being yanked up by the arm and he tried to kick the unseen person but failed miserably and ended up kicking Ben instead.
He was pulled to his feet and he turned around and punched his attacker in the face. Whoever the man was didn't let go though so Cal gave up and let himself be dragged away. He squinted as the man led him up some stairs and out of the building and outside. As his eyes readjusted to the sunlight he realized the entire building, which looked like some sort of old hotel, was surrounded by FBI. Then he felt a gun pressed against his temple.
"Hold your fire!" Somebody shouted.
"You either let us go or he dies! Your choice!" The man yelled.
Cal watched as the agent that seemed to be in charge turned and said something to- was that Wallowski? What was Shazzers doing here? And who the hell thought it'd be okay to let Gillian and Emily tag along?
Cal could see that Gillian was about to cut off the circulation in Emily's hand from where he stood, even though they were a good 50 yards away.
"Let us go!" The man holding Cal yelled again.
Wallowski leaned over and whispered something in the FBI agent's ear. Receiving a nod, Shazzers grabbed the megaphone.
"You can go. You have an hour head start before we come after you."
Gillian couldn't believe this. Sharon had texted her saying that someone had gotten a tracker on Cal but she couldn't just watch as whoever it was dragged him away from her. Not again.
Cal walked ahead with the gun pointed at the back of his now. He might have been walking in front but he wasn't leading. Mystery Man was walking him right past Gillian. Great.
Thirty yards. Twenty. Ten. Five. The closer Cal got the more clearly he could see the fear on both Gillian's and Emily's faces.
Gillian met Cal's eyes as he was prodded past. He was silently begging her not to do anything. But she had to try. She couldn't just let them walk away.
So she took of her shoe and threw it stiletto heel first at the back of the man's head. Emily must have sensed what Gillian was going to do because as soon as the shoe left Gillian's hand, the young woman ran full speed into the pair and knocked them both to the ground. Cal rolled away and sprung to his feet and pulled Emily up and out of the way before punching his kidnapper in the face several times before the FBI agents could pull him off.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will..."
Gillian didn't hear anything else as Cal came over and wrapped his arms around her. She didn't even realize she was crying until she could feel Cal's shirt slowly growing damp under her face.
"It's alright, love."
Gillian felt someone trying to work their way into Cal's arms.
It was Emily. Gillian let Cal go but Emily just got right in the middle of them then pulled Gillian back.
Cal didn't know how long they stood there. He didn't care. He waited until both of his girls stopped crying.
Eventually, Wallowski came up to them.
"Cal, you okay?"
Gillian didn't know what came over her but she didn't want Cal talking to Wallowski. Not now, not ever really. She straightened up and answered before Cal could.
"He's fine. Now, my partner, his daughter, and I are going home before you come up with anymore stupid ideas. Goodbye, Shazzers."
She turned and walked away and could hear Cal and Emily laughing as they caught up with her. Cal wrapped his arm around her waist and eventually Emily ended up in front of them.
"Looks like somebody got jealous." He whispered.
"I'm not jealous, I just don't like her."
Even Gillian knew that was a partial lie. The truth was that she was jealous and she didn't even really have a right to be. He's her best friend and the man she loved and her business partner- they were all the same person and she had no idea if it was possible to add still more to that relationship without it crumbling under the weight of expectation.
"Whatever you say, love. What was Shazzers even doing here anyway?"
Gillian shrugged. She still didn't really know why the police department of all things was in on this rescue operation.
"So Shazzers? Why have I never gotten a nickname?" Gillian asked.
"You've had one since before I stepped foot in your office at the Pentagon, love. I just don't say it in front of you. Although if you really wanted to know, you could've asked Em."
"Oh, so she knows and I don't."
Cal nodded.
"Hey Em! You wanna tell Gill what her nickname is?" He called to his daughter in front of them.
Emily turned around and started walking backwards.
Gillian looked at Cal who was trying not to laugh.
"Gillybean? Are you serious?"
"You wanted to know. Now, I think you said something about going home?" He asked as they reached Emily's car. He opened the door and let her get in.
"Cal, sit back here with me. Please."
The look on Gillian's face was so full of longing that Cal knew he'd never forgive himself if he said no.
"Dad, I drove here, I can drive back."
Cal got in the back seat with Gillian. They buckled their seat-belts and Gillian's curled up as close as she could to Cal's side and fell asleep.

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