Chapter 16 : insecurities

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(Em's POV)

Sara slam me against the locker and kiss me forcefully.

Before I could react I heard Alison's voice.

" Emily ?"

My eyes widen. " Alison-" I try to say but she cuts me off  " get the fuck away from Emily ! " she screams to Sara.

She push Sara away. " Ali.." I say she turns around to look at me. Her baby blue eyes are filled with tears.

" how could you " her voice cracks. Shit why do I have to always mess up ??!

" Ali I swear-" I try to say but she run away. I was about to follow her but Sara blocked me.

" come on-" she says but I cut her off by pushing her to the side and purchase Alison.


I finally find Alison. She's in her car with her head down. I immediately feel so guilty. I should have pull away but I guess I was too shocked to do that. I walk over her car and sit on the passenger seat.

" Alison.." I say to her softly.

" it's okay " she says in kind of cold tone.

" no it's not. You are clearly thinking that I cheated on you, but I swear I would never do something like that " she looks up at me. Tears running down her cheeks. I hate seeing her like that and the worst of all because of me.

" let's just go " she says wiping her tears away.

We drive in an awkward silence. Of all sudden she park the car on the side of the road.

I look at her. She grabs the wheel tighter.

" you want to know what I'm thinking?" She says staring at her hands.

" she's probably a better kisser " she says harshly but her voice cracks at the end.

" no no no " I say grabbing her hands. I look into her beautiful blue eyes.

" I was just searching some things in my locker then she came at first she talked to me then off all sudden she slams me against the locker. I was at first shocked at the sudden action but then I was about to push her away but you came " I tell her the truth.

" how do I know you weren't going to kiss her back ?" She asks me as she calmed down a little bit.

" I would never do something like that to you, you know I lov-" I try to say but she cuts me off.

" Don't !" She almost shout. " don't you dare say you love me right now "

" how could you even love me ? I am just a freak " She starts to cry. I pull her towards me. And hug her hard while she's crying into my shoulder.

" I do. I love you Alison and never doubt that. You are not a freak, you're the most beautiful and wonderful person I've ever know " I tell her softly.

(Ali's POV)

I lay down on my bed exhausting.

" Ali do you want something to drink or to eat ?" Emily asks in a sweet tone.

" no thank you" I answer.

I can't help but think about what happen at school. I have this biggest fear of losing Emily. She's the only one who I really love. I don't know what I would do without her.
I can't stand of the thought of losing Emily. Without Emily I'm pretty sure I have nothing.

I feel a soft hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Emily.

" Ali... I'm sorry for what happens " she apologizes. Sadness in her warm brown eyes. It makes me feel more guilty. I shouldn't let my insecurities and my fear affect her. I know Emily would never cheat on me or on anybody else. She's too pure for that. But my insecurities are proving me the opposite. Why would she still be with me when she can be with someone prettier ?

" you have nothing to be sorry for "

" I know you're still upset " she says " what can I do to make it better ?"

" just hug please " she hugs me and I hug her back. I can smell her sweet smell. I start to play with her beautiful brown hairs.

( Em's POV)

Alison is in my arms sleeping. She snores but not in an annoying way, more in an cute way. I almost can't hear her snores because they are very quiet.

I pull away from our hug gently and lay her down. She looks so beautiful when she's sleeping or when she's smiling, actually no matter what she does she's beautiful.

I walk into the kitchen and see an note.

I pick it up and read it.

I'm coming very late tonight. Don't wait for me for dinner. Just command pizza.

I know by the handwriting it's Mrs. Dilaurentis. She always leaves some note like that when she has to come late. My phone starts to ring. I answer it.

" Hanna ?" I say.

" hey ! I was thinking if you and Ali want to come with to shopping " she asks.

" I don't know. Alison is sleeping right now so "

" ohh. Rough sex ?" She asks in a teasing tone. Although I can't see her I know she's smirking.

" no. She's just tired after what happen "

" what happen ?"

" Sara kissed me and Ali saw it "

" she kissed you ?? Damn how did ali react ?"

" not very good but I can't blame her through"

" don't worry just do her a little strip-tease and she will forgive you "

" Hanna !"

" what ? It's the truth. Well I have to go now bye "

" bye " I hang up and think about it.

Maybe it's not a bad idea

Thank you for reading this book :)
If you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me !

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