Chapter 3: Girlfriend

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( Ali's POV)
I wake up with the feeling of someone in my arms. I open my eyes and see Emily asleep .She's just so peaceful and beautiful. Then I just realized we're too much close, what if she feels my private part ? I gently pull away from her, but she won't let me. The more I tried to untangling our bodies the more she tight her grip. I think it's kinda cute, but right now I really need to pull away. If she feels it , she'll probably freak out..
I don't know how to tell her. I mean it's not easy , no one knows about it expect my parents. Ugh I didn't even think of that last night, just seeing her makes me forget all the problems. I was in my deep through until I notice a pair of warm brown eyes staring at me.
" good morning em " I say to her kissing her gently on her forehead.

" mmh good morning " she says smiling showing her dimples. I smile back.

" come on, get up we need to prepare breakfast " I say getting up. We change into our clothes and go downstairs.

" sit and watch making breakfast " Emily tells me. I do what she said and watch her. She has a cute confuse face trying to cook some waffles.

" ughmm Ali ? Can you help me please ?" She asks me still trying to cook.
I laugh and go to her. I wrap my arm around her but not too close.

" how about you let me prepare the waffle while you put the ditches ?" I ask her with a laugh. She just nods with a smile. We eat, talk and laugh until it was time for me to go home.
" goodbye be safe " Emily tells me and hugs me tight.
" goodbye. I'll text you " I say hugging her just as tight as her.
I go home. And then think about all this. I really want her to be mine.
But it's all new to me. I never was in a relation because of my secret. I never had feeling for someone either just two or three crushes but that's all.  And those feeling I have for Emily... I can't even describe them. I'm falling head over heels for Emily. I really hope she feels the same.
Sooner or later I will have to tell her the fact I'm intersex. It's been two years I have to make her my girlfriend, and I really don't care about the come out and stuff like this. As long as I'm with her, I don't care about the rest. I snap out of my thought and grab my phone.

To Emily❤️ :

Hey, are you free tonight? ❤️

Seriously Alison? It's too much classic. I think

From Emily❤️:

Yes, I am. Why ?❤️

She's always confuse. But I don't care it's too cute!

To Emily❤️:
Would you go on a date with me ? ❤️

I tense until I see her text.

From Emily❤️ :
Yes of course. Pick me up at 6 o'clock?❤️

To Emily❤️:
Sure, see you later beautiful!❤️

I take a shower and start to get ready.
I curl my hair, wear a jeans and a yellow top. I take the ring I buy her too. It's been two weeks since I bought it, but I was too shy to give it to her. Wait, I can't drive a car ! And I won't walk to the restaurant with her. She deserves the best. So I quickly call a chauffeur to tell him to come with a limo. He came few minutes later and we drive to Emily. I go and knock at her door. The door open and reveals a stunning Emily. The way her curly brown hairs falls over her shoulders. The way her blue dress fits perfectly her curves. Her toned legs..
" well hello to you too " she says with a laugh.

" oh I'm sorry, it's just that ... " I'm speechless. " you're totally breathtaking "

" thank you. You look stunning.. As always" she says blushing. I take her hand and lead to the limo.

" so that's what a date with the Alison Dilaurentis looks like " she says with a smirk. God she's so hot when she do that.

"Only the best for you" I say smirking back. I open her door she say a shy " thank you ".
We drive to one of the fanciest restaurant. I open her door again and take her hand. She interlaces our fingers. I walk in and a waitress come immediately.
" A reservation for two. Dilaurentis" I tell her.
" yes, follow me please" she tells us and leads us to our table. It's simply and beautiful. We sit down and order.  I order chicken with curry sauce. Emily orders salmon.
We start to talk about stuff until the dessert comes. I'm starting to be nervous and scary. Scary to be reject. I play with the ring I buy her. I guess she notices my nervousness because she asks me :
" everything's okay ? You know you can tell me everything."
There's something in those warm brown eyes that tells me I can trust her with my life.
(Em's POV)
I can't help but feel extremely happy. Being here with Alison. She drive me here with a limo. No one ever give me so much attention. But I can feel her tense in front of me so I tell her :
"  everything's okay ? You know you can tell me everything "
She takes my hand and put a ring around my finger. I look a the ring it's so beautiful. I look up at her.
" I ... Emily you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I love you, would you be my girlfriend?...And if you let me the chance I'll love you until you have enough of me" she says with a little nervous laugh. I grab her face and kiss her passionately. " I love you too"
I'm sorry if this chapter is bad.

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