Chapter 18

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Alison's POV

I hug Emily for a moment then I pull away to see her face.

" what did your mother say ?" I ask carefully.

" she asked if she could come in " Emily answers.

" maybe she just wanted to talk ?" I say not knowing what to say.

" the hell I'll let her ! Damn she can't expect me to let her in like nothing happened " she says angrily but her tone softened at the end.

She has a point.

" well-" I try to say but she cuts me off. " can we please talk about something else ?"  She says clearly wanting to end this conversation.

" okay " I say. I don't want to push her but maybe her mother wanted to apologize. As much as I hate this woman for leaving Emily, I have to let her talk, maybe she finally understands her mistake.

- - -

Emily's POV

I am with the girls at school. Spencer and Aria are talking about the English-test we have for tomorrow. Alison is phoning someone. And I'm just there.

I feel an hand on my shoulder, I turn around to see Hanna.

" are you okay, you seem ..out? " she asks me looking at me up and down.

" yeah just tired and boring "

" HEY ! " Hanna shouts getting the attention of all of us.

" so I was wondering if you guys would want to sleep over ? Tonight? My mom is out of the town" she continues.

" yeah sure " agree Spencer and Aria.

As I was about to agree too, Alison cut me off.

" em and I can't" she says putting her phone on her pocket and makes her way to me.

" why ?" I ask clearly confused. "do we have something planned, but I forgot it ?"

" not really, you'll see" she answers wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. She kiss me. I am still confused but I kiss her anyway.

~after school~

Alison and I are watching TV, eating some snacks. Then I hear the doorbell rings.

I get up and make my way to the door. I feel Alison's presence next to me. I can feel her nervousness. Why is she nervous ?

I open the door and immediately regret it.

" what are you doing here ?" I ask my mother.

" Emily " she says. " look Alison called me-"

" you knew she was coming ?!!" I ask at the blonde next to me. " I can't believe it ! "

" baby please calm down I-" " no ! God I can't even !" I say running away as far as I can.

I start to slow down and start to walk.

I am suddenly stopped by a hand.

" Emily ? What are you doing here ?" Hanna asks.

" nothing " I say trying to avoid her.

" what's wrong em ?" She asks in a caring tone.

I close my eyes.

Why am I acting like this ?

" sorry Hanna " I say.

" it's fine. Come on "  she says taking my hand and sits on a bench. I sit next to her.

" my mother is waiting for me at home with Alison "

"And I guess you left ?"

" yeah. I don't what to do Hanna, I don't know how to handle it"

" you're not alone on this, okay? You have me, Aria, Spencer and Alison"

" she called her "

" Who ?"

" Alison called my mother "

" oh" then she stays quiet. I guess she doesn't know what to say next. After like 3 minutes Hanna finally breaks this silence.

" Alison cares about you, and maybe she called your mother just because she though it was the best for you. Maybe you should let your mother speak, well you don't have to do this now but one day or another you will"

I stay quiet. Maybe she's right ?

I get up and hug Hanna tight. " thank you " I whisper to her. I pull away and she takes my hand.

" now go to Alison. She's probably sick worried about you " she tells me.

" yeah.. Wait aren't you supposed to be with Spencer and Aria ?" I ask curiously.

" they say they would come late soo " she explains.

" you-" she starts to say but stops. I look at her confused. She's looking at something or someone behind me. I turn around to see Alison. She has a worried look on her face but this worried look turns into an...angry look ?

" God baby, thank god you're safe" Ali says coming towards me. I meet her at the halfway and hug her tight.

" let's go home okay baby ? " she asks me. I nod staring at those beautiful blue eyes.

" thank you Hanna. See you soon" I tell Hanna.

" yeah bye em bye Ali " she say before going back to her house.

I turn to look at Alison..she looks tired. She looks like she cried.

" come on let's go back home " she tells me grabbing my hand.

Hey! I haven't update for like a long time, because I don't really know what do add at this story. You probably heard what happened in Paris. I live in France and my sister lives in Paris. She was at this attack but thankfully she didn't get hurt. She has the chance that 160 people or more didn't have. Pray for all the victims. Pray for Paris and  Beirut, Baghdad and other cities torn apart by terror.
Please be safe wherever you live.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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