Damon Salvatore Imagine

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Imagine Damon was compelled to kill you.

•Y/N Pov
Ring! Ring! You phone in your pocket started buzzing. "Hello?" You answered.

"Y/n? Hello love it's Kol here!" He responded.

"Why do you have Damon's phone?" I gritted my teeth.

"Oh about that..I compelled Damon to kill you and never stop until he succeeds." You could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Give the phone to Damon!!!" You yelled.

"Alright!" You could hear rustling then the sound of your weak boyfriends voice.

"Y/n?..Honey I need you to run. Kol compelled me to kill you and I won't stop until your dead." He cried.

"Damon you can do this. Your stronger than this!" You reassured him. Starting to tear up.

"Honey I can't I-"

*Ding Dong!*

"Babe I'm at the door I need you to run!" Damon said hyperventilating.

"Damon I love you." You whispered and hung up.

Bang! Whoosh!

"Run!!" You heard behind you.

You took no time. You sped off using your vampire speed. You heard him behind you. So you took really weird turns and circled back to the house. You ran inside for Damon's car keys. You thought it was stupid but his car was fast. You heard heavy breathing and you knew it was Damon so you hurried to the car. You put the key in and started the car. Vroom!! You backed out the drive way and drove off. Damon was standing by the drive way as you pulled out. You had to leave town, you couldn't see Damon in that pain. You called Stefan.."Hello?"

"Did you hear about Damon?" You asked hoping he did.

"yeah I'm on my way to lock him up." Stefan said in a hurry.

"oh ok I'm gonna leave town until he is better.." you told him.

"yeah ok.." he replied.

"oh and Stefan tell him I love him and ill be back." you told him slightly crying.

"yeah ok bye." with that he hung up. well I hope he gets better.


Damon's Pov

"where is she I need to go and get her!!!" I screamed.

Kol is dead Jeremy killed him so that means the compulsion is gone. y/n wasn't  back yet.

"Damon!?" y/n yelled from downstairs. or was she...
whoosh!  "Damon!" y/n attacked me with hugs and kisses.

"man I'm glad I can hold you without the thought of killing you." I smirked.

"Me too." you mumbled.

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