Your hell..

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Your hell consist of you back in the 1800's. It was an odd day. That day you were playing football with Damon and Stefan. Until your father came to you telling you to run, the monsters were coming. The memories came back, this is the day you were killed and was made a vampire. The day you saw Damon shot right in front of your eyes. The image flashed and you were sitting on the ground, on a highway. You stood up looking around not knowing what was happening.

"Well hello there y/n." a smooth voice spoke from behind you. You turned to find Damon, blood dripping down his chin.


"In the flesh-Well dead flesh." he smirked chuckling. You shook your head in disbelief, this isn't Damon. This is not YOUR Damon!

"Wha-Whats going on?"

"Well y/n as you can tell my switch is off, and i'm hungry." he spoke licking his lips.

I chuckled. "Well its not like you can suck off me..I'm a vampire."

"Well then if you are attack me, fight me!" he demanded. I shrugged,

"Gladly!" I ran at him to punch but I ran not as fast. What?! I tried to extended my fangs but nothing worked. Damon wisked behind me.

He chuckled. "Told you sweetheart. Your dead to me, no why don't you sleep!" he smirked flashing in front of me.

"Damon no!" but it was too late him fangs were punctured deep into my neck, drawing a pool of blood. Spots covered my vision and I started to get dizzy. Everything spinning. We slowly slumped to the ground. Then I felt a sharp pain in my chest, a steak in my heart. Then, lights out!

I shot up "NO LEAVE ME ALONE!" Damon stood in front of  me. I was surrounded by candles and everyone. My eyes were really focused on Damon. 

"Get away from me!" I screamed scooting away from him causing me to fall off the table. 

"Y/n it's me Damon honey, your were trapped in the stone for 3 months." he spoke scooting closer.

"NO!" I yelled pushing Damon aganist the wall with force. Stefan pulled me off.

"Y/n your out of the stone, calm down ok. Breath just breath." Stefan said rubbing me back. I breathed and came back to reality. Damon walked over to me and hugged me.

"Now, what the hell happened to you in there?!" Damon asked handing me a glass of bourbon.

" killed me."

Well thank you guys so much!!  Loving all the comments!!

Question of the day: What would your hell be like??     

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