I Can Feel It In The Air

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This imagine has been requested by CJWilkinson1314

y/n pov

I laid on my back in my bed contemplating what to do about Stefan and Caroline. How the hell are we suppose to break both of them. If we break one maybe we can break the other. Maybe..

*phone rings*

"What do you want Damon."

"Well someone sounds happy to talk to me." I rolled my eyes at his remark. "Anyways listen, I have an idea for Stefan and Caroline."

I sat up adjusting myself, "I'm listening."

"Ok, what if we lock them both up in a room and shove memories or feelings down their throats to break them."

I thought for a moment, "So we wouldn't be feeding them either."


"So you think it's tight enough Damon." I tightened the rope around Caroline's wrist while Damon did the same to Stefan.

Caroline groaned waking up, "What the hell!" She looked at Damon and I, "What are you doing." The vervain on the rope it her skin making her hiss.

That woke up Stefan, he asked the same questions.

"You guys need to break and we're gonna do that!" Damon grinned.

Caroline looked to me, "Y/n can you please loosen these a little bit then if you're keeping us here!" I shook my head.

"Please!" She cries, "It really hurts!"

Stefan groaned in annoyance, "Just do it please so I don't have to here her whine."

I started to walk towards her, "Fine!" As I started to loosen them a little bit she slipped her hands out and grabbed my neck breaking it.

I knew I shouldn't have done that.

Damon's Pov

Damn it y/n!

I went to grab Caroline when my world turned dark.

y/n pov

I groaned waking up to find the room dark and only lit by a candle. I stood up walking towards it picking it up. I scanned around the room, no sign of Caroline or Stefan. That's great. But I did find Damon also with a broken neck on the floor.

While he was out I threw some pieces of a broken chair into the fire to light up the room more.

All I could think about it how the fuck did Damon let his neck get broken. What a dumbass! Did he even give them enough vervain!

Just then he groaned sitting up, "Morning sunshine." He looked around the room then looked back at me.

"Why in the hell did you untie her!"

"No one wanted to her bitch! And I felt bad okay! Caroline is my friend you know'"

He shook his head at me walking away, "Don't you walk away from me!

He spun back around glaring at me, "You're the dumbest vampire I ever met!"

I took a step back in shock, "Me?"

He took off his jacket setting it on the chair. It revealed his muscular arms and body through his shirt. "Yes you! You never think, you're always screwing up things!"

"I should've never asked you to come. Elena would've done better!"

I now wanted to kill him, "But do you see her around? No!"

Damon glared even harder now. Staring me down.

"She doesn't want you Damon! That is why she chose Stefan! He is the better man!"

That's when Damon sped across the room and choked me against the wall. "That is why you will have no one y/n!"

I fired back sending him to the ground. I laid a kick to his stomach sending him into a wall.

I let him stand up and went to send another hit but he grabbed me pinning me against the wall. 

We stared at each other for a moment, then he spoke, "God what are you doing to me." He looked me up and down.


That is the end of this imagine! I'm still taking request if any of you have any ideas. And I'm still writing the ones that were requested.
Thank you lovelies!

Sincerely - J

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