Don't You Ever Do That Again!

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part one

Damon Salvatore Imagine requested by tatiaotiashvili                                           

Y/n Pov

"Are you sure you wanna do this y/n?" Bonnie asked finishing her setup.

I nodded, "Yes Bon. He thought he could prank me by turning off his humanity, so I'll be dead...For a little bit."

"Alright, lay down" I laid down on the floor surrounded by candles. Bonnie kneeled down next to me. "Now if something happens, we will get you back no matter what."

I placed my hand on her arm, "Bonnie, its okay. I'm the one being childish here. I trust you." I laughed.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and waited for her to start.

"Ocoros Mecante, Aleora Subsitos. Ocoros Mecante, Aleora Subsitos. Olo Santire, Dis Et Brav. Ocoros Mecante, Aleora Subsitos"

I felt pressure on my chest for a little bit, then...nothing.

I was dead.

Damon's Pov

"Y/n! You here?" I called into the house. I waited but no answer came.

Where the hell is she, I checked everywhere and I can't find her.

I pulled out my phone and dialed her number..

"This is Y/n, I can't come to the phone right now. Pl-"

"Dammit!" I cursed out loud, Stefan entered the house after.

"Did you find her yet?" He asked.

"Nope, called her, searched every possible place, no where."

It was silent for a few moments before the little witch walked in.

"Hey have you guys seen-"

"No bonbon we haven't, I've been looking for her all day. Nothing" I spat walking to the liquor table.

She crossed her arms thinking, then snapped her finger, "I can use the locator spell!"


"Are you gonna do it, come on bon!"

She rolled her eyes and started, "Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous"

The blood moved across the map and ended it circling one area..The Witch Burial Grounds

"What the hell is she doing there?" I jumped grabbing my jacket along with my keys.

Stefan and Bonnie still stared down at the map.

"Are you two coming, or am I going alone?" I huffed.

"We're coming." They spoke in unison rushing to the door.


"Let's see how they feel about me today." I mumbled stepping up to the threshold, "Okay witches I'm here to get my girl and leaving. That's all I need." I put my foot down stepping in..nothing.

I continued to walk through looking for her, "Y/n?" still nothing.

I decided to check the basement once, I turned the corning seeing what looked like a body on the ground. Y/n!

Rushing to her side she wasn't breathing and grey veins crawled up her skin, "No, no, no!"

"Stefan, Bonnie!"

Stefan zoomed down right away, "Whats wron-" He saw me hovering over y/n trying to get her to wake up.

Bonnie arrived shortly after seeing the situation.

"She won't wake up!" I cried, looking down at her sleepy face as she laid there not moving.

I looked up at the Bennett Witch standing before me, "Can't you do something, please?"

She walked towards y/n examine the state she is in.

"I'm sorry Damon, I can't she is to far gone her hearts been infected." She spoke with a shaken tone.

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