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Y/n Pov:

I took deep fast heavy breaths. I can't do this..I can't. If this doesn't end well...WHAT WILL DAMON SAY?!! Now I was having a panic attack. I looked over it and over it. It won't process.....I placed it done in front of me. I can do this ..Right?! Woah just breath y/n just breath.......OK I got this....I picked up my pencil and started to fill in the answers to my question.

*2 Hour Later*

"Excellent job Mrs.Salvatore(Married to Damon for who's don't process right away)" the man said handing me my test. I thanked him and left the room and, walked into the hallway. OMG....I got a 98.8!!!

"So how did you do?" A husky voice whispered in my ear. I smiled knowing it was Damon.

"I did great!" I smiled spinning around to face him. He nodded. 

"Oo let me see!" he screeched snatching the paper out of my hand. He looked it over..

"Hey give it back!!!" I whined jumping up trying to get it."Please!"

He smirked, "Only if I get a kiss right here." he said pointing to his lips. I smirked and kissed him.

HAHAH GOT "EM U thought y/n was Pregos!!! HAHAH

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