Part 1/3 Damon Salvatore Imagine.

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So this imagine I put into a contest for bsalvatore17 so if you want to enter go check out her Damon Salvatore Imagine. So I'm hoping this is contest worthy. Thank you bye!!!

Your Pov
You had to give yourself up to Klaus. It would save everyone's life including Elena's. Damon would be broken and lost without you but you'll be happy enough to know that he is living on. Before you left to surrender yourself to Klaus you left a note on Damon's desk that said.

Dear Damon,
I'm deeply sorry Damon. I had to do this. I couldn't let Elena die and knowing you guys could go with her. I'm so sorry I love you so much. It breaks me to tell you this and know that you will could go on some rampage or even kill yourself. Damon I'm serrending myself over to klaus. I'm love you very much and I'm very very sorry. I couldn't tell you this in person because I wouldn't be able to handle you reaction or anything. It would break me to see you upset. Plus you wouldn't let me. So I have to do this. I'm sorry Damon. I want you to know that your my best friend you were always there for me. When you kissed me that night in the rain.. I knew we be together forever. Like I said before I love you Damon Salvatore and I'm sorry.

Y/n ❤

You cried as you set the note down and left the house.

The Surrender

You stood in the circle of fire. Jenna dead, along with Jules. Which meant you were next. Klaus took you up towards the bowl were he'd kill you by droning every ounce of your blood. "Y/n!!" Damon called across the field. "Damon" you whispered. Klaus pulled you closer to him and moved the hair from you neck. "I'm sorry." You whispered to Damon. Klaus stuck his fangs in your neck. You closed your eyes not wanting to see Damon. You started to feel you knees weaken. He pulled away, you feel to the ground but two strong arms caught you...Damon stared at you..tearing up stroking your hair. "Why?..why y/n?" He whispered resting his head on yours. "Damon" you spoke. "I love you and I'm sorry. Please stay strong and help your brother. Keep Elena and everyone safe please. I love you." You whispered. You eyes closed and you felt a pair of lips on yours. Then that was it.

You never wanted to leave Damon you knew how much he hurt but if you could come back you would.

You opened your eyes to be surrounded by darkness. A glowing light shinned in front of you. So you walked towards it. You stepped through. You a woke in darkness again.. Only to be in a box. It must be a coffin. You pushed it open but it wouldn't budge. So you kept kicking and kicking. After awhile it opened. But a whole bunch of dirt spilled onto you. You dug threw it and came to surface. It was night, you looked around to find out your in a cemetery. You turned to look behind you to find a tombstone that read.

Y/n ,Y/m/n ,Y/l/n
Born: December 27, 1994
Died: November 5, 2009


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