•Misunderstood Mistakes•

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This idea was given by RayonnaFreeman thank you so much for this idea! Hope you like it!💞

"Why was he hugging you!" Damon roared throwing the glass at the wall shattering pieces flying everywhere.

I jumped out the way so that glasses didn't cut me.

"He was comforting me because I was mourning over the death of my brother! You know that he died 5 years ago yesterday!" I cried tugging at my hair. Tears streaming down my face. "He was there when you where god knows where!"

"I was trying to get Elena back from Kai!!" He yelled so loud that the house shook.

I stood there staring at the ground, fiddling with my fingers.

Is he in love with Elena? I mean I love Elena she is my one of my best friends. I miss her too. But he- Uh I'm being selfish.

"I'm gonna go and let you cool off. I'll see you later, if your gonna be here." I whispered leaving and slamming the door on the way out.

"Dammit!" I sat down in the chair. Why, I should've at least been here to comfort her.

"Ugh I need a drink." I grabbed my keys and jumped in the car.
"Hey there big boy, what are you doing alone at the bar?" A blonde petite girl asked obviously drunk.

"Eh problem with a girl." I shrugged.

"Oh a friend, yeah same here my friend and I had a fight." She slurred taking a seat next you me, and placing her hand on my thigh.

"Well..you can say that." I smirked.

By now I had a couple of drinks.

"You wanna get out of here?" She smirked rubbing my thigh.

I looked up and nodded, "yeah let's go."

On the way to the door I bumped in to Bonnie. She glared shaking her head at me.

"Bye bon bon!" I waved exiting to the car.
I hoped you guys liked it. There will be a part two don't worry! Again thank you guys so much!💞

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