Imagine 26 Part 1/2 (Requested)

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The image above had me in tears or laughter!! I can not breath...

This is a requested imagine by bananabutt69 thank you so much!!

Sofia Pov:

"Renny come on hold still so I can do your hair." I whined. Renesmee won't stop playing a game on her phone while I'm trying to do her hair. Thank god she has me as her twin or she'd be lost. Tonight my grandfather is having one of his friends come over for dinner and mother said we have to look nice. If you would meet my mother you'd think she wasn't one of the dressy kind.

"Okay, done!" I smiled at my work. She want something with a braid so I braided and side pony the wraps around. I checked the time it was 7:00 pm the guest should be arriving soon.

"Girls the guest is here!" Father called. Or he is now. We did a last mirror checked and skipped down the stairs. When we got downstairs Father an Mother were talking to the man, but he was facing away from me. My father saw us and smiled.

"Damon these are my daughters Renesmee and Sofia." 

"Your daughters- Hi it's nice to meet you I am Damon Salvatore." he smiled taking our hands and placing a kiss on them.

"Well let's get to dinner shall we." Grandfather called from the dinning room. 

Mr.Salvatore hmmm what a sexy name. He is so breath taking. His black raven hair-Oh and those blue eyes! Uh they're to die for.

^Skip to ending of Dinner^

"So Damon how is Mystic Falls?"

"It's good everything is great!" He smiled sipping his bourbon.

"Well that's good what about Stefan?" Grandfather asked.

"He is great too, still olde goody self." Damon chuckled. This whole time of dinner I just couldn't get him off my mind.

Damon's Pov:

She is so beautiful well they both are but just Sofia is just so pretty and he personality is wonderful. I caught her staring a few times, I think she is under my spell. Edward is acting slightly weird but what am I saying he always has been.

Carlisle and I known each other for years. I ran across him in Ireland back in 1934. We've been buddies since.

Carlisle kept asking me questions and I answered them but something I kept on my mind..Sofia.

Sofia's Pov:

I was in the kitchen tidying up when I accidently knocked a glass over. I was waiting for the sound of the glass shattering but nothing. I opened my eyes to see that Damon caught it.

"Oh thank you." I smiled taking the glass from his hands. He smiled and nodded.

"So I seen that your interested in Mystic Falls." he spoke leaning against the counter.

 I nodded closing up the dishwasher after placing the last dish in. "I'm very interested."

Confusion rose upon his features. "Why?"

"I think it beautiful there unlike here where its always cloudy and rainy." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Come back with me then." he smiled.

"What?!" I asked a little shocked and confused.

"Come back with me, to Mystic Falls where its always sunny." he spoke grabbing my hands.

I thought about it for a moment.."Ok!"

Well I wanna thank all of you for voting and commenting on my last few updates that means a lot to me. I wanna give a a shout out to MrsBriSalvatore for blowing up my phone today with Votes, thank you so much it made my day.

Question of the day: What do you think is gonna happen in the next episode of TVD??

Damon Salvatore ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now