Damon Salvatore (Requested) Imagine

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The Imagine is requested by alexbroken thank you!!

Alex Pov:

Hello my name is Alex and I'm 19. I recently moved Mystic Falls. I moved here because I have a really bad past. I was bullied a lot and was abused. Over the years I developed really bad anxiety and depression.

I walk into Mystic Grill hopefully to get something good to eat. Thank god there isn't much people here. I walk silently with my head down towards the bar...hoping I could get a drink. The only seat that was avalible, it was the only one that wasn't by a creep or dirty. It was 2 seats down from a man with raven black hair and a leather jacket. He looked up..Oh shit he caught me staring. My cheeks flare up red from embarrasment. In the corner of my eye I could see him smirking. Uh i'm so embarrased I put my head down. I heard the sound of a chair scratching against the floor, and the the sound of shoes walking....towards me!? I heard the chair slide out next to me.

"Well hello..." The man spoke. I could hear the smirk in his voice. My anxiety shot up...my breathing sped up. I started hyperventaling (I suck at spelling sometimes..excuse it plz) I guess he took in a notice beuasue he stood up.

"Hey are you ok?...Come on let's go outside for some air." he said helping me stand up. I nodded as we walked outside.

This time I could actually look at him. He has the most beatifuliest blue eyes. God!!

"Ok breath in through your nose out through your mouth." he instructed. I nodded obeying and breathing.

Once I calmed down he smiled in relief. He stood up straight and held out his hand.

"Damon..Damon Salvatore." He smiled. I smiled back shaking his hand.

"Alex...Alex Sanders"

Thank you so much fro the request!!!!!!!!!! B.T.W im s

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