Midnight Memories

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Imagine was written by ^^^^ thank you so much!!!

Your head pounded and the back of your throat tingled. A combination in which only alcohol gives you. A hangover, that's what you had. The bright sunlight seeped through the curtains making it very hard to open your eyes all the way. You laid in bed observing your surroundings, realizing this room was not your own. A warm breath exhaled on the back of your neck making you realize someone's arms were around your torso, but not anyone's arms, Damon Salvatore's arms. You slowly remove his arms from your torso and slowly you slip out of bed. After accomplishing that, Damon twisted in his sleep but was not awoken from the loss of you in bed. You quietly tip toed to the bathroom but not before grabbing some sort of clothing. You went to his dresser, since your clothes were found ripped on the floor, and grabbed a pair of boxers and one of his T-shirts. Once entering the bathroom, you quickly locked the door and hopped into the shower, washing any trace of Damon's scent, off. You were in and out and quickly dried off with Damon's clothes on before you went back into the room with a sleeping Damon. You quietly opened the door to find no one in bed. You peeked around the corner to find him in his boxers, sifting through his clothes.

"Last night was fun, huh Y/N?

"You froze but he turned around and smirked. God that smirk."I wish I could agree but I don't remember anything."He shook his head, grabbed a shirt, and walked over to the bed with his back facing you.

"That's the thing about you humans,"He pulled the shirt over his head and turned around,"You guys miss all the fun."He slipped his pants on and you crossed your arms,

"I didn't miss the fun, I just forgot it."He walked over to you and pat you on the head,"Isn't that the same thing?"

He smirked before he turned towards the door, heading downstairs. You followed behind and ended up following him into the kitchen. You sat down on a stool and set your elbows on the counter and placed your head in your hands.


You looked up to see that son of a bitch smirking. You put your head back in your hands and spoke,

"Like you wouldn't believe."You heard him shuffle around the kitchen grabbing things and putting them on the counter so you looked up to see he was going to make something.

"What're you making?"He looked up and smiled a bit, who am I kidding, he smirked and replied,

"Pancakes. What else would it be?"You huffed out a breath but smiled while doing it and shook your head.

"So what exactly happened last night?"He smirked once again but it was an evil smirk, you could tell.

"Well let's just say a certain SOMEONE,"He looked at you directly then continued,

"Was looking for some fun so they of course came to me so we drank and drank and drank until we were both intoxicated and we did some stupid stuff and yeah. That's what happened."He smiled smugly while you just glared at him.

"Thanks for the very descriptive story."He nodded,

"You're welcome."You rolled your eyes then laid your head on the counter. He finished the pancakes and you ate breakfast, the hangover was getting better and your memory wasn't as fuzzy as before.

"Damon? What exactly did we do?"He turned around from the sink and smirked,

"Well Y/N, we had sex."He then turned around and you could see his body shaking from quiet laughter

,"You're kind of a dick, you know that Damon?"He still faced the sink,

"Oh I'm well aware of that."You laughed a bit but realization hit you like a truck...You had sex with Damon Salvatore...

"Y/N you got quiet on me. Something wrong?"

He turned around with a semi-concerned look on his face.

"Nothing's wrong it's just,"I love you,"It's nothing, nothing's wrong Damon."

You smiled and Damon wasn't sure that he believed you but he turned around once again towards the sink.

Damn it... You loved Damon Salvatore.


She is an awesome writer everyone please give nikkibops17 an applause!! Excellent job!! thank you so much again!!!

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