My One and Only

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♪"You remember that summer day, when the wind was in your hair got our hands up in the air and we really didn't care, you remember, how we all just let it out without a single doubt, yeah we trust in each other, oh I fell right into you and you and fell right into me, falling in love for the first time, that summer day, oh oh oh, oh oh oh."♪

I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I called out looking up from the mess of music sheets that I had whipped up recently with my latest song it the making.

I heard a laugh.

"The only person who brings his best friend cookies when she locks herself away from the world." A boy said.

I instantly sprang up from my seat placing my guitar on the floor and yanked open the door.

On the other side stood a tall 15 year old boy with blond slightly longish hair, big brown eyes and a plate full of cookies.

"Leo!" I said.

"Raven!" He said.

I leaned over closer. "Oooohhhh and you have cookies you may enter!" I said grinning and pulled him inside the tree house.

"Yes I do although unfortunately they are only oatmeal raisin." He laughed.

"Awwww ok then back out you go!" I said jokingly giving him a little push.

"Ahhh so you don't want them then?" He said giving me a sly grin.

"Hey now I didn't say that!" I laughed.

"Hmm so what have you been working on this time Raven?" He asked handing me a cookie.

"A new song as always!" I beamed.

"I think I might actually have something here with this one!" I said my eyes sparkling."

"Oh?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah! I mean I've still got a lot of work to do and the lyrics are kind of all over the place but if I keep messing I think I can make it sound pretty good!" I said beaming.

"Nice!" He said. "Shall we sit?" He asked somewhat dramatically.

"We shall!" I said also, dramatically giggling.

We sat down and he started telling me about what he had been working on lately in school as we ate.

Gosh I thought looking at him it was kinda hard to believe that we had been best friends since kindergarten, I still remembered how we had met that day on the school playground. He was rather shy back then but once you got to know him he was actually a bit of a show off, for instance last week at the jam he had started racing Katy on the guitar he kept on playing it faster and faster her face turned bright  pink as she struggled to keep up. I smiled at the memory. I on the other hand I don't think had really
changed much although I was probably more subtle back then, I was still the same crazy weirdo today with my with my brown hair with faded blue highlights my grey blue eyes and a few scattered freckles on my cheeks, anyone would know me in an instance.

Leo raised an eyebrow at me and I realized I had been staring. I shrugged and continued eating my

"Cookies." He said suddenly. "Delicious and nutritious." He said.

I snorted. "Nutritious eh?" I said.

He shrugged just as a notification went off on his phone, he glanced down at the text.

"Alice again?" I asked grinning.

As much as she denied having a crush at all, I was pretty sure she had a thing for Leo.

"Yup." He said shaking his head.

"She actually texted me just the other night at like 1am and texted me,  morning!!!" He said.

I laughed. "Did she really?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." He said running a hand through his hair.

"Ahh well I should get going." He said giving me an apologetic smile.

"Awww ok." I said making a pouty face. He rolled his eyes "See ya at the jam tomorrow." He said standing up.

"See ya then!" I said grinning.

"Bye." He said closing the door to the tree house behind him.

I walked back over to my guitar and was interrupted once more when I started to play as my phone rang. I sighed putting down my guitar once more and picked up my phone glancing at the caller ID, Hailey, I smiled.

Hailey was my beautiful best girl friend with her long dirty blond hair her tall figure and blue green eyes
with glasses, I had known her for some time now since she started doing jams with us.

"Wazzup?" I said.


"Ouch, Hailey geeze." I said rubbing my ear.

She started giggling like crazy. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, GUESS WHAT?!?!" She squealed.

"Hmm what?" I said now grinning.

She started giggling like crazy again. "Jackson that's what!!!" She giggled.

Jackson was Leo's twin brother who she has had a crush on for as long as I can remember.

"Ooohhh do tell!" I said.

"HE...ASKED...ME...TO...THE...DANCE!" She squealed.

"OMG DID HE REALLY????" I pipped.

"YUSSSSSSSS!!!!" she squealed.

She giggled again. "Do you have a date yet?" She asked.

Oooohhh crap... I thought. Actually I had completely forgotten about this Saturday, it seems like my dad told me about it then I came up with the lyrics for my new song and it had kinda slipped my mind.

"Ooohh... ummm well." I started.

She laughed. "You're working on a new song aren't you?" She asked.

I laughed. "Yes indeed I am! You know me so well!" I said grinning.

"Hmmm." She said. "Well I suppose you can always just go with Leo I'm sure he wouldn't mind!" She said.

"Huh yeah I think I probably will." I said.

"Yeaaahhh and maybe you will also....Oh I don't know...Fall crazy in love, have four kids and move to London with me and Jackson!" She said in a sing songy voice.

I rolled my eyes "Yeah right, ahh may I just say, umm eww!" I said.

She laughed. "Ahh well I had to try!" She said.

I grinned shaking my head. "Mmkay well I'll see you at the jam tomorrow kay?" I said.

She giggled. "Kay see ya then!" She said and hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket still grinning yeah I think I would be able to get Leo to go with me to the dance but just as friends. I thought.

"And now at long last Raven shall finally perform her new song!" I said out loud to nobody in particular whistle faking a crowd cheer, I giggled and started to play once more.

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