Chapter 10

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~Knock knock knock~

"Cm'in." I mumbled groggily letting out a yawn.

"Happy birthday honey!" My mom said as she came in with a plate of banana nut chocolate chip pancakes topped off with a pile of whipped cream.

I smiled sleepily. "Thanks mom!" I said sitting up in my bed as she placed the pancakes on my lap.

"We're going to visit the family tonight at grandmas, but other than that you have the whole day to yourself." She said.

"Sounds fun." I said.

"You sure you don't want to do anything today?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm just going to spend to whole day writing." I said smiling.

"Well, ok if that's what you really want." She said, she smiled shaking her head then left me alone to eat
my breakfast.

I started eating and checked my phone, I grinned through a mouthful of pancake as I saw I already had
quite a few happy birthday texts from my friends, I took another bite and started replying to them all.

Tommy: Happy birthday! :D

Raven: Aww thanks you! :D



Raven: Teehee will do!!!! :D

I also got happy birthday texts form the rest of the group, after replying to them all and I set down my phone. As I was finishing off my pancake I received another text.

Leo: Hey happy birthday Raven!!! :)

Raven: Aww thanks Leo!!! :3

Leo: Hey do you think you can meet me at the park at noon?

Raven: Yeah sure thing! See you then.

Leo: See you then.

I set down my phone and got dressed for the day, I looked at myself in the mirror. Hmm I thought. I was wearing a lime green tank top with a peace sign on it, a pair of jean shorts, white sneaks and I had messily put my now bright aqua blue hair into a weird but cute updo with my bangs and many stray pieces of my hair framing my face. I smiled my mom would probably make me change into something nicer later, but for now this was as fancy as I was going to get.

I spent the next few hours writing my book until it became time to meet up with Leo. I hopped on to my bike and rode to the park, once there I parked my bike in the bike rack and smiled as I walked over to Leo.

"Hey!" I Said.

"Hey!" He said greeting me with a smile. "Happy birthday!" He said giving me a wink.

I giggled. "Aww thanks you!" I said.

"I have something for you." He said giving me a coy smile.

"Oh?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." He said as we walked over to the swings, although it was a beautiful day out we were the only ones around.

"Hmm do I have to guess or are you going to tell me?" I asked teasingly.

He laughed. "Better yet, I'll just show you." He said pulling out a small box from his pocket and placing it in my hands.

I tilted my head a bit wondering what might be inside, I bit my lip and opened it. My eyes widened at the
gift inside, it was a small turquoise dolphin upon a silver chain simple but stunning.

"Happy birthday Raven." He said softly.

"Leo it's beautiful thank you!" I said wrapping my arms around him.

I felt him embrace me back and I felt my heart flutter at his touch.

"You're welcome." He chuckled.

We let go and I looked at him my beaming my messy hair somewhat in my face. He knew how much I
loved dolphins and the ocean, to me they felt like just pure hope and freedom.

"Here." He said taking the necklace from me placing it around my neck. I looked down and touched it lightly then looked back at him my eyes sparkling. He smiled and lightly brushed my bangs out of my eyes. I felt my cheeks grow warm.

"You changed your hair again." He said.

I giggled. "Yup!" I said.

He tilted his head with a coy smile. "It's nice." He said grinning at me.

I giggled again. "Thank you." I said tucking a stray stand of blue hair behind me ear.

Maybe I was crazy but I could have sworn I saw him blush...

I found myself replaying this moment over again several times that night, and I was constantly fingering the necklace he had given me as the hours went by, when my cousin asked me about it I blushed and said a friend had given it to me, luckily she seemed not to notice and shrugged it off. I was given many gifts that night but none could even compare to the gift Leo had given me. At the end of it all I lay in bed that night fingering the dolphin once more I smiled to myself. Wow... I thought. I really had fallen in love with my best friend...

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