Chapter 8

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I sat underneath a large oak tree as a gentle breeze brushed my hair to the side about a week later with

my nose buried in my journal as I wrote down my latest idea, this time for a book. I paused tapping my

pen agents my chin. Hmm... I thought. This would have to do for now. I placed my pen in my journal,

marking my spot and stood up leaving the oak tree to go find Hailey to see what she thought. After

wandering about for a bit I spotted her with the rest of the group.

"Hey!" I said beaming as I sat down next to her.

"Hey!" She said returning the smile.

"So I have this new idea for a book." I said tilting my head slightly.

"Shoot!" She said grinning.

So I began rambling on about how I had this idea for the typical end of the world scenario but the main

character, Abigale, was a seer and she had to find a way to defeat the army of the dead and try to bring

back peace to the world or what's left of it at least and along the way she would uncover all the

mysteries about her past and unleash her own hidden power and such.

"But really that's all I have so far so what do you think?... Hailey? ...Hailey are you even listening?" I said.

I looked at her she seemed to be in a daydreamy state. I smirked at my friend.

"Hmm? Oh sorry I was watching the scenery." She said.

I looked over at what she was staring at and snorted. Jackson, with his shirt off, was showing off by

doing pushups and sit ups. Hailey fangirled and turned to me with a deep crimson blush that grew

slightly darker every time she looked back over at Jackson.

"Oh man." I said grinning while shaking my head. "Damn, you got it bad girly!" I said.

She giggled and blushed even darker if that was even possible. "I know." She said.

"Hey." She said finally tearing her eyes away from Jackson as he put his shirt back on. "What's been

going on with you and Leo lately? She asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"W-what?" I said.

"You've been acting kinda funny around him ever since the hike." She said.

"What? I have not!" I said my voice slightly higher than usual.

"Yeah, you have Raven, like every time he walks by you always mess with your hair in some way." She

said eyeing me suspiciously.

"I do not!" I said.

"Hey Raven!" Said Leo as he rejoined the group from his lunch break.

"Hey Leo!" I said automatically running my hand through my hair.

Oooh... Crap. I thought. I would have to work on that.

Hailey smirked at me.

"It's nothing, my hair has just been in the way a lot lately." I said blushing slightly.

"Uh huh." She said. "So why haven't you given Leo his jacket back yet? You just keep using it at night to

keep warm." She said.

My face grew pinker. "I don't know I just haven't gotten around to giving it back yet that's all." I said


She raised an eyebrow at me. "You keep doodling his name in your notebook." She said.

My face turned bright red. "I ohh it's just uhh well..." I said desperately trying to come up with an

answer for that one.

She gave me this look that pretty much just said I know something's up ok so just spill already.

I sighed.

She grinned as she saw I had no answer for that. "I knew it! You like him don't you?" She said giggling.

"Pff uhh no." I said staring at my shoe, my face going from bright red to crimson.

"You so do!" She said giving me a little nudge."No I don't." I said. "Besides we're just friends." I said looking anywhere but her.

"No, you're best friends who could easily, fall in love have four kids and move to London with me and

Jackson!" She said in a sing songy voice.

I rolled my eyes trying hard to bite back a smile as I tried once more to look at anything but her but I

only ended up staring at Leo instead.

I sighed... "Umm I'm just gonna put this away ok?" I said taking the excuse to leave for a minute

grabbing my journal and walking over back to my cabin.

I laid awake late that night twirling a strand of my hair. I shivered, I was cold, I tiptoed out of bed and

slipped on Leo's jacket. I smiled at the warmth it brought me as I snuggled back into bed. I sighed as I

found myself thinking about Leo again and the little things he had said or done recently that had made

me smile... Ok so maybe I did have a little crush on him but what did it matter any way, he was my best

friend there was no way he could feel the same way about me... Right? I sighed what would that even

mean if we did started dating would it effect out friendship? Well one thing was certain Alice would not

like it. I wandered what she had looked like when she saw Leo carrying me off to bed after the jam...

Pissed, Hailey had said. I giggled. Ahh well I so pose I would just have to wait and see what would

happen if anything happened at all. I smiled as I wrapped his jacket a little more snuggly around me and

drifted off to sleep.

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