Chapter 7

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I awoke the next morning tucked safely in my own bed wearing someone else's jacket. It was warm and the scent of it made me smile. I turned over on my other side to face Hailey.

"Morning!" I said smiling sleepily.

"Morning!" She said with a yawn.

I bit my lip trying to remember how I had gotten to bed last night it seemed like I had fallen asleep at the jam.

"How did I get in here?" I asked her.

"Oh." She grinned. "You fell asleep against Leo last night at the jam so after it was all over he carried you
in here." She said giggling.

"He did?" I said turning bright red I realized the jacket I was wearing was probably his.

"Yup it was pretty cute you just pretty much curled up against him, Alice looked pretty pissed!" She said with a snort.

I grinned sheepishly. "Oh." I said still bright red. I don't know the idea of Leo carrying me off to bed like I a was a pretty little princess was kind of embarrassing.

"Yeah!" She laughed. "Ok now cm'on up and at'em let's go eat!" She said still giggling.

We met up with everyone at breakfast and decided that after the rain had stopped we would head out to play some good old fashioned games like tag and red rover. By noon the rain had cleared up.

We started off with some red rover and split up into teams, me, Leo, Alice and Tommy against Katy, Cody,
Hailey and Jackson. It was a tight game, Leo stood next to me our fingers intertwined as we stood alone
facing the rest of the group being as we had just lost Alice and Tommy. We devised a plan to send Alice
over and when she couldn't break through we would take Cody on our team. Our plan worked perfectly
and we turned the game around from there, thus winning the game in the end.

Next we played tag and it bounced around like crazy! In other words it was hard to keep up with who was it! Alice, Katy, Cody, Tommy, Jackson, Hailey, me, Leo, Katy, Alice, Jackson, Hailey, Tommy and Leo again! At that point pretty much everyone gathered around Leo with their hands out saying "Tag me!" everyone except me that is, I backed away slowly hoping he wouldn't notice me.

"Sorry guys I've got a target!" He said looking straight at me with a gleam in his eye.

I grinned and took off like a rocket, I had gotten a reasonable distance before he finally caught me and it started bouncing all over again!

By the end of the day we were exhausted. We agreed that tomorrow though we would do our annual
hike up Table Rock to watch the sunset.

I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed.

"I can't wait for the hike tonight!" I said stretching out in my bed.

Hailey sighed across from me. "I can." She mumbled sleepily as she snuggling into her pillow.

I sniggered. "You sure? It'll probably be really romantic up there watching the sunset with Jackson ya know!" I said giggling.

She smiled dreamily. "Ok you got me!" She giggled.

I grinned as I got up out of bed and dressed for the day. I beamed at the sky as I left the cabin, it was raining again, but nearly as bad as yesterday. I was pretty sure it would be clear before dinner.

"Hey!" I said to Leo as I spotted him at breakfast. "Oooh! chess eh?" I said seeing the game between him and Jackson.

"Yup." He said looking up at me with a smile.

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