Chapter 9

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"Moving?" I said standing on the front porch of my house with all of my luggage as my parents unlocked
the front door. "To where?" I asked.

"Just across town to a bigger house." My dad said.

"Oh!" I said letting out a sigh of relief.

"We'll have more room plus we will be alot closer to our friends and family." My mom said.

I grinned. "Awesome!" I said. "I can't wait to tell everyone!" I said.

"We'll start moving after the 4th this month then we should be moved in before your birthday next month" My mom said.

I beamed at the thought of it. Suddenly I realized I would finally be rid of my really annoying neighbor Ryan, and I would never have to see or talk to him again. Yesss! I thought.

We spent the 4th of July with the group and I have to say it was pretty awesome! We went swimming
had a BBQ and watched fireworks and ran around with sparklers. Hailey and Jackson were even holding hands by the end of the night. After that the next few weeks were spent moving everything over into our new house and I said goodbye to Ryan, he was sad to see me go (but I wasn't hahaha!) by the end of July we had everything moved over, we had also gotten a lot of new things to fill in some space, like an air hockey table, a foosball table, and a game room as well, it would be awesome for hosting parties!

I flopped down on the couch around 5ish somewhat board as I got a text. I checked it, from Leo.

Leo: Hey how was your day? ;)

Raven: Pretty good what about yours? ;)

Leo: Fine, hey are you busy tonight?

Raven: No, I don't think so why?

Leo: Moms out shopping, papas doing work, Tommys at a friend's house and Jacksons at the movies with Hailey... In other words in board you wanna come over?

Raven: Haha sure thing! My dad can bring me over in about 20mins that cool with you?

Leo: Great see you in a few!

Raven: See you in a few!


"Thanks dad!" I said as I shut the car door.

I walked up the porch to the front door but before I could even knock the door flew open and I was greeted by Leo's smiling face.

"Hey!" He said.

"Hey!" I said stepping inside. "So does the king of boredom have any ideas on what to do?" I asked teasingly.

"Actually I do." He said closing the door then leading the way to his bedroom.

"Oh?" I said raising an eyebrow. "And what might that be?" I asked.

He grinned mischievously at me. "We're going to play a game, I'll go first." He said.

"And just what might this game be?" I asked now curious.

"It's a surprise." He said. "Cm'on." He said softly closing his bedroom door behind us and gesturing over to his computer.

We sat down and he handed me a pair of headphones with the mic attached, I raised an eyebrow at him.

He shrugged. "First ones I could find." He said. "Ok now close your eyes." He said."What why?" I asked.

"Just do it ok." He laughed. "While I get the game ready." He said.

I eyed him suspiciously wander what the hell he had in mind for us tonight, I sighed and closed my eyes.

After a few minutes he told me I could look. I opened my eyes and looked at his screen.

My eyes widened in horror, Five nights at freddys. "Oh no!" I said.

"Oh yes!" He said.

"No no no no no no!" I said shaking my head.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes!" He said nodding his head.

"Nooooo!" I said.

"Yesssss!" He said laughing. "You're not afraid are you?" He said smirking.

My mouth dropped open. "O-o-o-oh say what? I aint afraid a no game!" I said sassily.

"Prove it." He said.

I huffed. "Ok fine let's play." I said.

He grinned at me then turned to the computer and started the game.

It started off as day one with the guy talking to you on the phone as it always does, he checked the monitors one by one, everyone was in place. I shuddered, this game gave me the creeps. He returned to the office as the phone call ended. He stayed there for a minute then checked the monitors again this time something was different, Freddy was no longer in pirates cove.

"Wait where did Freddy go?" I said. "Close the doors, close the doors!" I said.

Leo went back into the office and closed the doors then checked the monitors looking right at the halls
outside the doors... Nothing. He returned to the office and opened the doors then checked pirates cove again...Empty, Freddy was still gone.

"Wait what?" I said.


I screamed as Freddy jumped out onto the monitors and toppled off my chair and into Leo.

I froze my heart beating a million times per second as I now lay on top of Leo on the ground. He stared at me
somewhat shocked then burst out laughing.

"Oh man, that really got you Raven!" He said still laughing.

I groaned. "Yeah yeah." I said.

"I want to watch that again!" He said gasping for air.

I stiffened. "What do you mean?" My eyes got wide. "Oh my god, were you recording us?" I said staring at him in disbelief.

He grinned at me. "I dono maybe." He said.

"Unbelievable." I said rolling my eyes and getting off of him and back into my seat.

"Yeah ok I'm gonna check that out." He said getting up on his chair and going through the controls and clicking on the video. We watched as it ran through and he burst out laughing when I screamed. Ok even
I had to admit it was kinda funny and had to join in with his laughter.

After another hour or two of F.N.A.F we took a snack break and sat down on the couch.

"Hmmm." He said.

"What?" I asked tilting my head.

"You're going to be 16 in two weeks, you got any big birthday plans?" He asked.

"Hmmm no not really I suppose will probably just be spending the day writing my book." I mused.

He laughed. "I can see that." He said.

I smiled as I looked into those big brown eyes of his, he smiled back and I felt my heart flutter...

I heard a knock at the door.

"Oh... That's probably my dad." I said with a sigh.

"Yeah." He said.

We got up and walked to the door.

"Text me tomorrow ok?" He said giving me a coy smile.

"Will do!" I said beaming at him.

We embraced in a hug and he held me tight. God it felt wonderful, I could just stay right here in his arms forever I thought. I sighed softly against his chest. I could be dying in his arms and I wouldn't even mind...

We let go and I walked out the door and got in the car with my dad trying hard to ignore that fact that my face was much pinker than usual.

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