Chapter 3

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Hailey's mom picked me up at about three the next day and took us to the mall. We walked into the first store we saw filled with prom dresses.

"Oooohhhh look at them all they're so pretty!" Hailey sighed.

"I know right!" I giggled. "Hmmm you thinking of getting something rather Elsa styled?" I asked grinning.

She giggled. "Don't you know it!" She beamed.

"Ok girls I'll be waiting over at the dressing room." Said Hailey's mom.

"Ok!" We said in sync. We giggled again.

We spent the next three hours trying on different dresses from various stores with a snack break in the middle at Wetzel's Pretzels and we eventually found the perfect dresses.

Hailey's was a full length satin dress that was Elsa blue and had a slit in the side that went up to her knee and there were various little gems placed all over the top and lower halves of the dress.

Mine was a knee length satin dress the top half was black with gold embroidery on my chest the sleeves were bright green sleeves and hung on my shoulders and the skirt was the same green as the sleeves with stripes of a darker green and it spun out
beautifully when I twirled.

We stood in front of the full length mirrors in the dressing room admiring our dresses.

Hailey smiled. "Do you think Jackson will like it?" She asked tucking her hair behind her ear.

I looked over at her in the mirror as she twirled and beamed at her. "He won't be able to take his eyes off of you!" I said grinning.

She giggled turning slightly pink. "Nor Leo with you!" She said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes. "We're not like that ya know we're just friends." I said.

She giggled. "I know but even so look at you!" She grinned. "You just have the perfect figure to wear that!" She said.

I looked at myself in the mirror I have to admit I did look really nice.

I grinned slyly at her. "Hey ya know what all dem boys be saying when we walk in dat room?" I asked her.

She giggled. "What?" She said.

"Heeeeeyyyyyy sexy ladies and hot damn!" I said doing goofy dance.

We both burst out laughing.

"Wow!" She said still giggling. "I can't wait for this Saturday!" She said.

I giggled. "Neither can I." I said beaming.

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