Chapter 4

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Ricky Pov

I'm such a fucking idiot! What kind of person sleeps with their best friend's wife? A shitty person, that's who! The guilt has been tripping me all day. I want to tell him so bad but Athena said she would; god, I hope she does before I die over this guilt.

As I continuously tap on the table with my finger due to my anxiety, there was a knock on my door that was very deliberate and loud, probably hard too. I get up and open the door.


A brutal punch was all that greeted me. I fall to the floor and hold my hand to my nose. Oh great, I'm bleeding. I look up and see an angry Chris standing there. "What the fuck?" I spit out, getting my self up.

" 'What the fuck' what? You know what you did! My wife!" He shouts. Probably should have expected that. "Out of all the people in the world you decide to fuck Athena? Athena! My girl! How would you like it if I had sex with Jessica, huh?!" He adds as I let the blood drip on my shirt.

"Look Chris, we were both drunk. I don't even remember sleeping with her honestly," I tell him, trying to cool him down. "We played beer pong, got drunk and woke up next to each other. Who knows if we actually had sex," I add, wiping off the blood.

He sighs out. He seems more calm but my predictions could be all wrong. "Bullshit," he spits. Well, I was wrong. "You not only fucked Athena, but you fucked me over too, if you want someone else to fuck, go fuck yourself," he remarks then storms out.

I cuss at myself and close the door. I just lost my best friend.

- Athena Pov -

After Ryan-Ashley took me home I kept sobbing and sobbing and sobbing. What am I doing now? Waiting for Chris to come home, sobbing. All I want is him here by my side and to know he's okay.

I know I messed up and did an unforgivable thing but I just want him to know that I didn't mean for what had happened. Maybe this is just a nightmare and I'm still asleep, next to Chris as he cuddles with me.

Wake up, I think to myself as I horribly pinch myself until there was a deep mark. Well, I'm not sleeping.

Hours pass by and as I spin Chris' ring around my finger, I hear the door start to open. I jump up and go straight to the door. Chris comes from behind the door and stumbles in the house. "Hey, cheater," he slurs.

He's a drunk mess. This is horrible, he's straight edge. I close the door and face him just to see him tripping over each stair he goes up. I sigh and help him up the stairs. "Don't help me," he says sternly. I continue to help him. "Don't help me!" He repeats, shouting.

"I have to, or else you're going to fall," I explain as we reach the top. "There," I say. He rolls his eyes and walks into the room. I watch him as he gets in bed. I take off his shoes and sit on the corner of the bed as he drifts off into a deep sleep.

"You know," he starts. "-I really loved you Athena, I still love you but, you hurt me. You hurt me so bad and I want to forgive you and get over this but you remind too much of my past Athena --- way too much. I don't think we can continue."

It's like he was sobber; he didn't sound a bit drunk and I knew that he was telling me everything he would have told me even if he was sobber. "I'm so sorry Chris," I say, looking down and not at him.

He was now sleeping. The feeling of my throat burning suddenly appeared. I knew I was about to burst into tears. I get up and go to the only place where I will forget about absolutely everything: the bar.

I don't care how I'm getting home--- I'm getting wasted out of my mind. "Anything that will get me drunk faster," I tell the guy bar tender. He nods and starts doing his job and making drinks.

One drink. Two drinks. Five drinks. Seven drinks. How many is it now? I forgot. Man, I really wish I was dancing. Fuck it. I'm going to dance.

- Ricky Pov -

"Thanks," I tell the taxi driver as I pay him. He smiles and drives off. I sigh out as I look at the place I didn't, yet did want to be at: the bar. I walk in and go straight to the drinks. The bar tender greets me with a smile.

"Let's just say, I want to be drunk by the end of the night," I tell him. "You're not the only one who wants to forget about things," he says, pointing behind me. I turn around and see some dancing chick.

She spins around and our eyes meet. Of course it's Athena. "Yeah, make it a double," I remark, looking at her still. "Rick!" She yells and runs/stumbles over to me. "Here you go," I hear behind me.

I take down both shots of whatever he gave me and tell him to give me more before I turned back to Athena. Her eyes start to get glossy the longer she looks at me. I couldn't help but to hug her.

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