Chapter 7

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Athena Pov

I decided to go home and try to reason things out with him. I'm not taking a...divorce...for an answer. That might sound horrible, but we have been together for long, I don't want to lose him.

As I park my car, I see someone's car in the driveway. Who could that be? The car doesn't seem familiar. Maybe it's one of Chris' friends that I don't know. I shake it off and go into the house.

He was blasting FFDP in the room. I put my keys down and go into the kitchen. While I was about to get some water, I see the pictures of me and Chris on the fridge. There was so many memories that went along with these pictures.

I got my favorite. It was of me sitting on Chris' lap while he had his arms wrapped around my waist; I was resting my back on his chest. This was the day I brought food for the guys at the studio. It was about a week before I told him that I loved him.

The more I looked at the other photos the more I thought about how a horrible person I am for ruining something beautiful: our relationship. As a tear rolls down my cheek, I chuckle at the other funny ones.

"Athena?" I hear behind me. I quickly turn around and wipe the tear. Chris was standing there in nothing but his boxers. He was probably sleeping or something because his hair is all messed up.

I gave him a weak smile. "Chris, can we talk?" I ask weakly, sniffling. He gives me a worried look. "I don't think right now is best time, I need you to leave," he answers. That's when some other chick came out the room and clung onto his arm.

She was wearing only her undergarments. "Is this the wife that cheated?" She asks him, looking at me coldly. My heart broke. I'm pretty sure it was obvious because he gave me a very sorry look. "Athena," he whispers.

I didn't say anything and walked right past them. He pulled on my wrist as I walked to the door. "I'm sorry," he tells me. "Don't be, I started this. I'm the one who should be saying sorry --- I'm sorry."

He looked at me hurt as I walked out the door. It was all true, I started it. Crying, I ran into my car and sobbed my heart out. Is this what is really had to come to? Me in my car crying because I just found the love of my life slept with some other chick?

I went to the only place I knew that was calm enough and that I could talk to my baby: Caleb's grave. I haven't been there since before Chris went on tour which was not too long ago.

It didn't take me take me long to get here. I sat right in front the words I hated seeing.

"Hey baby. Feels like a while I haven't seen you --- well it has been a while."

"I miss you."

"I hope you're happy and that you're with your dad."

"Me and Chris, we're not working anymore. I wish you were here. I would have never gone to that stupid party in the first place and slept with Ricky."

I decided to lay next to the grave and look up at the sky. "Up," I hear someone demand. I sit up and see some guy pointing a knife at me. I froze. "You're mine, baby."

Bam, I was knocked out.

"Mommy," I hear. I turn around and see Caleb standing there. Tears automatically fall from my face. "Baby!" I yell. He comes running to me. I caught him in a bear hug. I examined every part of him.

He no longer looked like a six year old, he actually looked like a 9/10 year old. I guess the three years did make a difference. "You have grown so much," I tell him as we both cry. "Athena," I hear someone call.

I look up and see the guy I haven't seen in years. Chase. I gasp as I see him in front of me, with my own eyes. I kiss him and hug them both, letting my tears fall. "I missed you guys so much," I cry.

"You need to wake up," Chase tells me. I shake my head no. "I don't want to leave," I tell him. This is the first time I have seen them both and even if I am dead, I don't want to leave. I lived too much without them.

"Wake up, now!" He yells. Caleb suddenly disappeared and I cried out. "Wake up, bitch!" I hear the stranger's voice shout through Chase's body. "Now!"

I woke up with my legs and hands tied in a chair. "Glad to see you're up," the guy says. I struggle and struggle to try to get out. "Stop it!" He yells. Of course I stopped. I looked around.

Nothing familiar. I was in a dark room with nothing but chains. "What's going on?" I get out. He laughs. "Oh nothing, just besides the fact that, I own you now."

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