Chapter 17

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Athena Pov / two weeks later

Home, sweet, home. I smile at Chris as he unlocks the door with his keys. It seems to me like it has been forever since I've slept in my own bed and not in a hospital bed with Chris right beside me on another hospital bed. It has been a month, really.

"Ready, beautiful?" He questions me. I smile again and nod my head yes as the door opens. He then carries me bridal style. "This reminds me of the day we came home from our honeymoon," I remark, bringing up a great memory.

He chuckles. "I remember," he exclaims, bringing me into the house. "You can put me down if you want," I assure him as we reach the stairs. He refuses. "Don't want you hurting yourself," he tells me. I roll my eyes and grin at him.

A kiss was what I got back. "You know, it's been a while since we..." I trail off while he sets me softly on the bed. He chuckles and smirks at me. "You're a feisty one, aren't you?" He questions in a sexy, low voice.

He then leans towards me and rests his hands on the bed, reminding me of a scene from 50 Shades of Grey where Dakota was on the hotel bed eating toast and Jaime sexily takes off his shirt and swoops on in and bites her toast.

(A/n: sorry just watched the movie, loved it btw (; very sexy haha)

"You can say," I mumble back, then lick my lips. He then harshly smashes his lips on mine causing to lean back. Fuck it. I lay on my back and bring him on me. He then takes his lips off mine.

(A/n: smut up ahead so if you're uncomfortable with that, I would suggest you don't read this chapter, enjoy!)

I pout at him stopping. "Are you sure? I don't want hurt you?" He asks, looking at my hip. Biting my lip, I nod my head yes. "Make me feel good, Chris," I whisper and beg for him. Without response, he again, plasters his lips on mine.

The kiss breaks as I take off his shirt, revealing the sexy body I haven't seen in the longest time. "My turn," he murmurs followed by him taking off my shirt. Self consciously, I cover my stomach.

"Why are covering your body, beautiful?" He questions me. I look at my scar that they took the bullet out. He removes my hands away from my stomach.

"Look, this scar, its just a memory, a memory that brought us even closer, it makes you stronger, don't think of it as anything else," he tells me, earning a smile. "Okay," I whisper. He smiles back and kisses me.

I wrap my legs around his torso but let go quickly because of a little shot of pain that went through my right side. "Ouch," I whimper out softly. "You okay, baby?" He asks me. I nod my head yes.

"I'll go soft, I promise," he assures me. "Just, love me already," I plead with a smile. "Got it babe," he winks, gaining a chuckle from me. He sets himself on his knees and unzips his jeans. I smirk as he's doing it.

He then stands up on the bed and takes off his black skinny jeans. Squirming around, he falls off the bed making me crack up. "Are you okay?" I laugh. He laughs with me and gets up. "Yeah, I'm okay," he smiles.

At least he has his pants off. "Back to where we were," he says, climbing back on top of my body. After us kissing for a bit, he unzips my shorts and slowly takes them off. Just looking at him makes me want him more.

Looking me in my eye, he starts taking my lace underwear off by biting it with his teeth. God I want him now. As it reaches my knees he takes them off by his hands. "Make love to me now," I demand.

"Trust me, I will," he states, bringing himself on top of me, lining his member with my entrance. "I will," he repeats, slowing putting his member in me making me moan. "Farther," I moan, leaning my neck back.

Fuck. He felt so good in me. He then backs out and back in. I moan as he does too in pure pleasure. "Faster, baby," I command, biting my lip. "F-fuck," he murmurs as he starts thrusting faster.

In and out.

In and out.

In and out. 

In and out.

Harder and faster.

In and out.

More and more thrusts.


Again and again, hitting my spot perfectly.

"C-Chris, I'm about to-" he cuts me off. "Wait."

I shake my head as he pushes himself into me, making me even closer. "I-I can't," I moan. A couple of more thrusts and he was ready to.

"3-2-1...let go baby."

I did as told and climaxed with him. He falls besides me as we both start panting. "I missed that," I remark, looking at him. He softly kisses my nose. "I did too baby. I did too."


(A/n: smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut smut. I could repeat that word a million times and never tried of it tbh)

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