Chapter 6

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Athena Pov

"What are you doing here?" Chris asks, hurt yet mad. I then realized that it looked horrible: me at Ricky's house with nothing but his oversized t-shirt, and of course my undergarments on.

To be honest, I don't even remember if I did anything with Ricky yesterday. I doubt we did anything since he was sleeping on couch. I put my hands up and nod my head no in disagreement with his thoughts.

"Chris, it really isn't what it's looks like," Ricky backs me up. "Isn't what it looks like? It's everything that it looks like! You slept with him again!" He yells first at Ricky then at me. "No, let me explain," Ricky says.

Chris puts his hand up to show Ricky to stop talking. "Athena, we're done. I want a divorce..." he was saying more things but I want a divorce kept playing in my head and I suddenly had the urge to vomit.

I ran into the bathroom with my hand over my mouth and let my insides burst out once I was at the toilet.

"We're done. I want a divorce."

"We're done. I want a divorce."

"We're done. I want a divorce."

The more I thought about it the more I started vomiting. Soon enough either Chris or Ricky came in and held my hair up. "Let it out," I heard him say. That's when I realized it was Ricky. About 3 minutes later or so, I was done.

I flushed the toilet and used my hand to wipe my mouth. I laid my back on the toilet and starting pouring out tears. Ricky then held me in his arms as I sobbed. "I-I don't want a divorce," I sobbed.

He didn't say anything and ran his hand through my hair. "He's just mad, don't worry," he tells me. I shake my head in disagreement. "He's serious, Ricky!" I shout while crying, making him flinch.

"I-I'm sorry," I cry. The way he said it was fine was by hugging me tighter. Suddenly he gets up and holds his hand out, indicating for me to get up too. I grab his hand and he gently pulls me up.

We went into his room and I sat on his bed. "What did Chris say to you before he left?" I ask, whipping my tears off. He hesitates. "He said to text him about the-" he gulps "-divorce."

- Chris Pov -

Suddenly Athena runs into the bathroom. If I'm honest, I wanted to see if she was okay, but I had to hold my sympathy back. "Tell her to text me about the divorce, okay?" I say sternly, leaving without hearing his answer. I didn't need anything from him.

I really wanted to go back and run to her and tell her that I love and forgive her but I don't want to live in a fear that the person I love the most, hurt me again.

Maybe I'm overreacting. Overreacting? No, she lied and cheated on me, twice! I promised myself never to drink before this happened and she ruined it! I already broke being straight edge so why not get drunk again?

How great, going to a bar at 12 am. Just the way to start out a day.

- Sabrina Pov -

I swear that the most beautiful man walked in right before I was going to take a drink. He sat in the stool next to me and ordered some type of drink. I found myself continuously staring at him.

He looked very angry. I had to think of any way to start a conversation with him. "You know, statistics show that if you come in a bar angry, you'll leave angrier," I lie, looking at my hand playing with the cup.

I felt his stare. "I'm angry no matter what, so why does it matter?" He questions. I looked at him and saw all truthfulness. "And why is that?" I ask, resting my head on my palm as my elbow holds up my arm.

"Well to start off, my wife --- my everything, cheated on me with my best friend that I have known for almost a decade and then today when I went to go say sorry to him for punching him in the face, I saw her there with nothing but his shirt on," he answers with a small chuckle.

It was no haha, that's funny chuckle, it was a I'm hurt, help me chuckle. "I love her so much, she's all I could ever ask for, maybe more but I can't handle what she has done to me --- am I overreacting?"

I scoff and nod my head no. "Of course not! She did a horrible thing! I bet you're a great husband --- you don't deserve to be in so much pain over someone that would cheat on you with your best friend," I tell him.

He sighs. "Honestly, I just want to forget this ever happened."

"It's hard to forget something so huge."

He looks at me, like if he was examining me.

"What's your name?" He questions.

"Sabrina --- yours?"


"Wanna' get out of here?" He asks.


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