Chapter 13

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Athena Pov

"No, I can't risk having her here --- she called someone," I overhear Kuza say as I start waking up. I pretend like I am still sleeping to hear what he is saying. "Yes, please," he begs. I guess he's talking on his phone.

It is still dark so it is either really early in the morning or late at night, I'm not sure. "See you in a bit then," he says then stops talking. I know he was talking about me but what was he saying before? I then felt his touch on my shoulder.

"Get up," he demands, shaking my shoulder. I slowly sat myself up from the floor and rubbed my eyes. "Get all your clothes, your leaving," he says, followed by him walking out the room. I did as told and grabbed all the stuff he bought me.

After I hesitantly told him I was done he then texted someone on his phone. "I can't have you here anymore, I'm just, hurting you," he admits regretfully, looking down at his shoes. "Let me go home then," I choke out, quietly.

He nods his head no and looks at me. "It's too late for that," he remarks, softly. "No, it's not. Just let me go," I beg, again, earning a no from him. I sigh. But then I thought, I'm going to run for it. Should I? I am.

Once he got a notification on his phone he told me to go outside with my bags. I slowly nod and grab all my stuff, followed by me going outside. Bright headlights were facing the house. Here goes nothing. 

I drop my bags. "What are you doing? C'mon," Kuza says, giving me a little push. Everything is going in slow motion for me, honestly. Soon enough, I started running. "Athena!" I hear Kuza yell, chasing after me.

All I did was kept running. Not long after, the guy in the car started chasing me too. All this sprinting is causing me not to breathe right. Fuck. I'm getting tired. Kuza almost caught up to me but I sprinted me way through it.

The closest place nearby was a gas station. That will have to do. As I got to the gas station I see one person. "Help!" I yell, turning my back real quick just to see the guy that was chasing me have a gun.

As the lady was running over to me I fall to the floor. I didn't feel the pain but then I notice that my hip was bleeding. The last thing I heard was the lady screaming. Everything went black; I just got shot....

- Chris Pov -

Why are they not doing anything?! "Athena called about 3 hours ago! I already told you this! Find a way to track the call or something! Just find her!" I yell at officer William.

A couple of new cops came over and none of them can do anything! I thought they knew how to do this type of stuff! "Look Chris, something about the call signal is not letting us track it down," he explains, trying to cool me down.

Nothing at this point can make me calm but having Athena here with me. I shake my head in disappointment and walk over to Athena's parents and Nathan. "I will travel the world if that's what it takes to find her," I say truthfully to them.

"We will too," her dad remarks, earning nods from her mom and Nathan. My parents came over once but my mom started crying so she left home. We all miss her like crazy. I miss her like crazy...

As us four stood there, probably all thinking of her the cops start getting wild. We all look at each other confusingly and walk over to them. "What's going on?" I ask one of cops. I didn't know all their names.

He wasn't looking at me but he said, "we just got a call --- I think we found your wife." My eyes almost burst out my sockets. "What?! Where is she?!" I sharply question him. It took him a while to answer. "In the hospital."

My eyes simmer down. "Hospital?" I ask, worried and softly. "In Philadelphia," he adds to his last remark. What the hell is she doing there? Doesn't matter. I'm going to go see her. "Meet you guys there?" I ask Nathan and her parents.

They nod. I then text the whole band, Ang, and the girls that she's in the Philadelphia hospital. I even texted Ricky. Almost all of them replied instantly.

Athena, I'm coming to see you baby.

Crumbled To Dust -Book 2- (Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now