Chapter 9

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Athena Pov

"Wake up," I hear an unfamiliar voice say, sternly. I thought it was all a dream for a second, that I never cheated on Chris and that I never got, kidnapped, but then reality hit me.

Honestly, I don't remember falling asleep but I knew it wasn't for long. "Wake up, Jennifer!" I hear again. When I remembered everything, in a flash of light I was up. "Ah, your awake. C'mon you need to eat breakfast and get ready. Today is a big day," he says.

"What's today?" I murmur, standing up. "You might get sold," he answers. I gulp down in pure fear. "C'mon," he says again, pulling on my arm.

- Ricky Pov -

I decide to send Athena a message.

To Athena: Morning Athena. Want to come over today, don't want you alone for too long. Call whenever you see this.

- Chris Pov -

"I think you got a notification," Sabrina tells me as we wash our dishes since we just finished eating breakfast. Yeah, she stayed over again.

She says that we have a "real connection" yeah right. "My phone is in the room though," I assure her. She goes get the phone. "Let me see," I tell her. She hands me the phone. I slide the notification that said Rick and read the text.

I push the call button and put the phone next to my ear. Quickly, he answered. "Hey, Athena," he says, thinking it's her. "It's Chris," I state. All that he said was, "oh."

The only reason I called was because I thought she was with him. "Yeah, so, she's not with you?" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck nervously, yet he can't see me. "Uh, no, why? Where is she?" He asks.

Suddenly, I got worried. Why do I have such a bad feeling? "Maybe with Ryan and Balz, I'll text them right now," I tell him. This is the first time I haven't yelled at him. "She's probably at the bar or something, I'll check."

"A bar? At 10 in the morning? I doubt it but go check, just in case," he says okay and hangs up. "What's wrong?" Sabrina asks. I shake my head. "Uh, nothing, but I think you should go home," I remark.

To be honest, I didn't really want her here. She's a lovely girl but she already wants a relationship with me, I just met her and I still love Athena; I just don't see it happening. "Oh, um okay. Let me just get my stuff and go," she says.

I gave her a small smile. After she got all her stuff she left; she said she would call. I then decided to text Balz.

To Balz: Hey, Athena there with you and Ryan?

After I texted him, I got a message from Ricky saying she's not at the bar.

From Rick: I'll look around town, don't worry.

- Athena Pov -

I don't know where I'm at but there is so much people. I felt like a pet; I was on a leash. There was many other women and girls on leashes too.

There was some girls that looked so young and so hopeless. They all cried out for help yet they didn't open their mouths once. There was many other people with business outfits on, examining us, writing something down on a clipboard.

They're shopping and we're the items, I think to myself as people look at me. "C'mon, I need to see when your auction is at," the kidnapper says, tugging on the leash. It burned each time he tugged.

We walked to this table. "10 minutes," he assures me as he looks at the papers. After about twenty other people examined me it was time for my auction. "Go up there," some lady tells me, pointing at the stage.

I slowly nodded and walked up the steps. So much people were sitting in chairs looking at me. "10,000?" The lady calls out. Some guy stuck up his card that said 564. It the went up to 15,000 then up to 20,000.

Soon enough people, mostly men, were biding for me at the price of 100,000. It scared me that any second I could be in the hands of someone crazy. "150,000?" The lady, again calls out.

The card that said 929 raised up. "175,000?" She calls out. No one raised their card. "175, 000 going once-" she paused "-going twice-" again she paused. Someone decided to hold up there card.

I couldn't see who it was though. "200,000?" Again, no one held up there card. "Going once-" no one "-going twice-" still no one "-going three times-" no one. "Sold!" She yells. Everyone started clapping.

The person who bought me stood up. I could not believe my fucking eyes...


(A/n: Who do you think it could possibly be!?! And guys, I'm seeing MIW live today! I'm about to get ready!)

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