Chapter 16

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Athena Pov / one week later

When will I wake up? Chris hasn't left the hospital and he's barely getting any sleep or anything to eat...all because of me. I'm ruining his life. Chris told me that Mike and the guy who shot me are in prison.

Another thing he told me was that he was about to kill Mike for hurting me. He also told me my lung is getting worse; I already knew that. The doctors came in and were talking about putting me through surgery before it gets worse, but they weren't sure.

Chris started crying when he found out it was infected. I don't know where he went but he's not here at the moment. Take that back, he just came in my room, crying. "What's wrong, Chris?" I ask.

I then remember that I am not even awake. "They're ganna' pull the plug, they can't do the surgery, you're not stable enough and they say that it's not going to get any better," he sobs, almost answering my question.

Wanting to cry too, he holds my hand. "Just move a finger and they won't do it, please baby, I'm nothing without you, I need you here," he begs, crying and holding on to my hand. I try and try but nothing.

"I'm sorry Chris, I can't," I tell him, trying my hardest to move something. "I-it's okay baby, it probably hurts to much," he ironically remarks. I felt like he could hear me.

"Just know that I love you and through all that has happened, I never stopped loving you."

- Chris Pov -

"Just know that I love you and through all that has happened, I never stopped loving you," I tell her, placing a kiss on her head. That moment, when I told her, she squeezed my hand.

I smile as tears of joy run down my face. "You did it, Athena," I whisper, again kissing her pale skin. "I'll be back," I tell her then run out the room to the doctor. "She moved, she did it," I say panting. She looks at me crazily and runs into the room.

When we entered we were both astonished at what we both saw: Athena awake. "Chris," she mumbles, tears in her eyes, earning tears from me. "Athena," I mumble back followed by me walking over to her and hugging her.

"I missed you so much," she cries. I then place a kiss on her pale lips and wipe away her tears. "I missed you more," I say, earning a chuckle her. "This is, amazing --- your alive," the doctor says, looking at us.

"How do you feel?" The doctor questions Athena. "My stomach hurts," she answers, pointing at her hip that got shot. "Since your breathing on your own we can take away these machines and we'll take a couple of x-rays to see how your doing on the inside," she tells Athena.

Athena nods. "I'll leave you guys to talk," she tells us after disconnecting the machine to Athena and leaves the room. I look at Athena and give her another kiss. "I thought I lost you for good," I inform her. She looks at me regretfully. "I'm sorry for everything," she remarks.

I shake my head. "Don't be, baby. Forget about everything that happened --- once you get out from here, we'll be back to normal, I promise you okay?" I tell her. After all that happened, I know I'm nothing without her.

She nods her head in a understanding way and smiles. "Do one thing for me Chris?" She questions. "What is it? Anything for you baby," I ask her.

"Never let me go to a party ever again," she answers.

"Not on my dead grave."


(A/n: this chapter is super short, sorry! It was just a small filler-in. Anyways, they're reunited! By the way, the story is almost done! I know it's only 16 chapters in, but it was meant to be short. I never planned it to be as long as my last story) 

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