Chapter 11

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Chris Pov

It's been a whole day and still no Athena. Where's my baby girl?

I decide to call the police station again. It sounded like the same lady from yesterday. Once I told her that it has been a whole day she said she would send some police officers over here.

Everyone has been worrying sick and now her family is coming down here either today or tomorrow. I couldn't sleep last night; I kept thinking of the things that could be happening to her.

After about a half hour there was a knock on the door. When I opened the door I was greeted by two police men. "Did you call about your wife missing?" One of them asks. Missing. I hated that word.

I nod my head yes. "Come in," I suggest. They both smile and enter. "Your name is?" The other cop questions. "Chris," I state. "Nice to meet you Chris, my name is Edwin and he is William," Edwin informs me as we shake hands.

"So, your wife, when was the last time you personally saw her?" William asks. It didn't take me long to reply. "It was on Monday, we got in a horrible argument and she left and I haven't seen her since then," I answer sharply. William was writing it down.

He then asked me what we argued about and told him how she had slept with Ricky on Saturday when she got drunk and that she found me with Sabrina.

"Do have any pictures of her?" Edwin questions. I nod my head yes and go to the kitchen to grab one of the photos of me and her.

"If she is missing, please, find her, she may have been stupid and cheated but I'm still crazy in love with her," I tell both Edwin and William. "Don't worry son, we'll get your wife back," William tells me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"We're going to get going. May we have something of hers like a shirt, towel, something that she used more than once so we can try to get the dogs to smell it and possibly find her?" William asks as they both started standing up.

I said yes and ran inside the room to find my old Black Sabbath shirt I gave her a while go; she wears it everyday to sleep while I am on tour. "Thank you Chris," Edwin says, me giving him the shirt. "Mhhh," I hum.

We said our goodbyes and they left. Man, I really do wish she is okay. The last thing I want is her being hurt.

- Athena Pov / later that day -

"Fuck," I mumble as I move around the bed, Kuza left me so fucking sore. I don't know where he is but I haven't seen him all day and I can't get out of the fucking bed. It hurts too much.

He gave me breakfast in bed before he left and that was the last I saw him. He was serious when he said he was going to hurt me. I hate myself even more for last night. I asked for it all.

I knew what he meant when he said he would punish me and I asked for it. Chris will definitely not know about this. While I was thinking, Kuza came into the room.

"Hi," I say quietly. "Need help?" He asks. I nod my head yes and stick my arms out for him to carry me. He then carries me bridal style into the kitchen and sets me down on a kitchen chair.

"Where were you?" I ask as he gets me a glass of water. "Getting stuff for you --- the word is already in the news that you're missing, I can't take the chance of people seeing you," he tells me, putting the glass on the table.

It's in the news already? How long have I been missing? "Then why don't you let me go home? I won't tell anyone what you do and pretend this never happened," I ask, trying to smooth him into letting me go.

He laughs. "And why would I do that?" He questions, folding his arms. "Why wouldn't you?" I reply. He gives me a confused look and says nothing. "I just want to see Chris," I admit, looking at the water.

I felt Kuza's stare. When I looked up at him I saw a sorry look but when he noticed that I saw him he gave me a 'I don't care' face, yet I knew he cared. Without realization, I felt a tear droplet drop from my left eye.

"God dammit!" He yells, slamming his fist on the wall causing me to get scared. "I just wanted you!" He shouts, running his hand through his hair and panting. "I just wanted you," he repeats, still panting but a lot more quietly.

After he said that, he left and went inside his room leaving me here. Struggling, I got myself up from the assistance of everything around me and went inside my own room and closed the door.

I fell on the bed and just, cried. I should really get used to crying myself to sleep, shouldn't I?


(A/n: Hey um it would mean so much if you guys can go read and vote on my new story In Your Eyes, I Am Yours! Please read it, i need opinions on it and if i get a couple of votes I'll even post the next chapter early (; thank you!) 

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