Chapter 12

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Athena Pov / one week later

I'm getting worried. Kuza is getting more and more aggressive each day, and I don't mean the good aggressive, I mean, yesterday he physically hurt me. I definitely didn't expect him to go that far.

All I did was lock the bathroom door when I took a shower and when I got out, he slapped me good and hard across my face. I even have a bruise. He is getting less sensitive as the days past by and it's scary.

Today is the first day he is going to go back to work since last week and I'm going to try to find a way to call someone or to get this chip out my fucking neck.

I don't care about the pain, I care about getting back home in Scranton. Thankfully he is leaving in about a hour. I hate being here with him. I'm scared half the time, worrying if he is going to hurt me.

- Chris Pov -

"I already said no, okay?!" I yell at Korel through the phone due to the fact that he wants me to do a photoshoot for the Alternative Press magazine. "Okay okay. I'll cancel it then," he assures me.

Not replying, I hang up. I'm not doing anything work wise until I know Athena is alright and by my side! A week! A fucking week I haven't seen her! I'm going crazy without her!

Her family is staying at a hotel, they have been here this whole week, also worrying about Athena. The police say they are doing all they can and I know they are.

They said that the dogs didn't pick up the smell from the shirt and couldn't find her. I hope I'm in a really long nightmare that started almost 2 weeks ago.

- Athena Pov -

He left, thank God. Once I hear the car leave the driveway I run straight to his room and try to open the door. Fuck, its locked! I went into my bathroom and grabbed one of my bobby pins.

I run back to the door and start fiddling the lock with the pin. After a while of doing random movements, surprisingly, the door actually opened. I smiled to myself and opened the door.

To be honest, I was expecting much, much more but it was like any ordinary room. I then spotted a phone. It looked like a house phone but no one ever calls so I didn't even know he had one.

I run over to it and start to call Chris.

- Kuza Pov -

As I'm driving I get a notification on my Apple watch. I looked at it and saw that someone was dialling a number. Athena. It couldn't be anyone else. I quickly made a u-turn and started heading home.

- Chris Pov -

My phone rings and I quickly pick it up, hoping it's the police station telling me that they have an idea on where Athena could possibly be.

It was a blocked number, weird.


"C-Chris," I hear Athena's voice say.

"Athena?" I question.

"Chris, help me," she begs.

"Athena, where are you?" I ask in a very panicky way.

"I'm at-" she then starts screaming.


More and more screams were heard and then the line went, dead. Tears started welling up in my eyes every time her screams played in my head. I quickly called the police station.

The lady already knows my number from me calling. "Chris, the officers don't have any lead on where Athena is," the operator, which I found out her name is Helena, sighs.

"No! I just got a call from her!"

- Athena Pov -

"Hello?" He answers. Man I missed his voice so much.

"C-Chris," I hesitate.

"Athena?" He confusingly questions.

"Chris, help me," I plead, my voice quivering in fear.

"Athena, where are you?" He asks.

"I'm at-" I get cut off by someone dragging pulling my hair. I started screaming when I realized it was Kuza.

"Athena!" Chris yells through the phone.

I kept screaming and dropped the phone on the floor. "MIKE STOP!" I yell as he drags me out the room by my hair. He then throws me into my room and locks the door. "You're not leaving!" I hear him yell from behind the door.

I stayed on the floor crying due to the pain from my head. I don't how or why but it all went black, I was glad it did. I didn't feel any pain.


(A/n: I feel so bad, I'm making Kuza the bad guy lol)

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