Chapter 8

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Athena Pov

Own me? "W-what are you talking about?" I ask, hesitating. "Look, you're hot and --- different. I like what I see and so will the buyers, but until I get a good price on you, you're mine," he explains.

I'm getting sold? To much thoughts were running through my mind to process this, but my real thought was I just got kidnapped and now getting sold. I need to find a way to get out of here.

I kept looking around, trying to find a hole or something. "Listen to me!" He yells, adding a hard slap on my face. I whimper and cry out in pain. "Did you hear what I said?" He asks. I slowly nod my head no.

"I said that I'm putting a chip on you, so I know exactly where you are at all times," I cry even more. There is no way of getting out of this. "Just kill me," I whimper. "I would but you're worth to much money, I can't let such a good opportunity pass me by."

I then felt a sharp pain in my neck causing me arch my back. "Stop! I'm putting the chip in," he says as the pain continues. I shiver as I felt something cold go down my neck. "See, not that hard, was it?" He questions. I didn't answer.

This all started with getting drunk. Why did it have to end up like this? "I'm going to let you out of these ropes so we can take pictures of you, tell me, what is your name?" He questions, kneeling down so he can untie my feet.

I'm not going to say my real name. "J-Jennifer," I lie. That's when I felt the rope untie from my legs; god, that felt so refreshing on my legs. He then untied my arms. "Get up," demands.

I got up and almost fell to the ground due to my legs being so weak from being tied up. He got a good grasp on my arm and took me took me to another room. I didn't even see the door; everything was so dark.

This room was different. It had cages, four to be exact. It was smelly, and it reminded of, death. There was a small I guess "stage", it was in an oval form and it didn't go over a foot off the floor.

"Take off your clothes," he tells me. Pushing me on the stage. "No," I answer, in a whisper. The second I said that, he slapped me across my face and I fell to the floor. "Don't talk back to me, Jennifer!" He shouts. "Clothes, off, now!"

Tears starting falling from my face as I was taking off my shirt. "Faster!" He yells. I flinched and took off everything but my undergarments. "Everything," he tells me. I didn't want to get hit again so I listened.

He told me to stand up straight. Lights then started flashing; he was taking continues photos of me. "Done," he says, looking at the camera. Soon enough he through some clothing to me. "Put it on."

Once I unfolded it I saw that it was just a over sized shirt. Anything that will cover me will do. He was still looking through the photos. "Beautiful," he mumbles, with a small chuckle. "I picked a good one," he says, looking at me.

"You sleep over there," he informs me, pointing at the corner of the room. There was a small, dirty mattress with a white, thin blanket. "That means to sleep now," he assures me. I nodded and laid on the dirty mattress.

I pulled the blanket over me. Suddenly, I felt his hand go through my hair. I shivered in fear. "Goodnight baby," he says, adding a kiss on the head. Again, I shivered.

"Oh, I'm gay, so don't worry about me raping you, well, worry just a little," he winks, "and there is no possible way of you getting out this room so I wouldn't try leaving."

Him not raping me made me feel a little but more relieved. Not enough for me to go sleep. I was drowning in fear, wishing that today would just end, or maybe my life to just end.


(A/n: two chapters today because I just felt like it!)

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