It's getting worse

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Day 11:

"I've said it once, I've said it twice, I've said it a thousand fucking times. That I'm OK, that I'm fine, that it's all just in my mind

Trying to numb the pain with alcohol and pills but it wont regain your trust!"

When i said i want to get raped i didnt mean by demons... :/ be careful what u wish for! Nobody ever told me how you can feel empty and helpless... I sent my Angel and Ghost to guard others, and now I am alone... Against demons.. 1000s of them... Will you help me?

-I told you! I told you! I told you!- said the demon

-what?- i asked wierdly

- noone can save you! There is noone who can help you!- said the demon

-there is! Just not at the moment...

- im glad you made that tombstone you shouldnt leave year empty, you shold write 1996-2013 we all know it- std( said the demon)

- Many would bet that i wont survive 2012 and I did... Hardly, broken very, but i did

- yes, you survived, but why you live? What for?- std (said the demon)

- hope, i said, hope...

- haahahahhahaahha- laughed the demon... Hope?

- yes hope... Little of it, barely anything...

-can you feel this pain? The one that is eating your inside and killing you slowly and painfully- std

-yes... I thought... It is over with it...

- never will be, until moment you die...-std

- i want it to stop!

- I can promise you one thing: death will take "us" all....-std

- well not me soon

- how can you say that?! Look at yourself! You scream when you see yourself in the mirror! You scream! And noone hears your screams! Your pain! You are hopeless! Days wont get better!-std

- they will!

- stop lying! You hate that most! Lies! When smb lies to u! Well stop lying to yourself!do u think u will make it throu this year?-asked the demon seriously

- i dont know.. Maybe, hardly...

- you will - said the Angel

- no he wont! - Std


-NOONE CAN HEAR YOU!- shouted demon

- hope... Is all I got...

- fake hope! You do not differ from humans at all!- std

- duck you demon! Leave!

- i can, but look around, do u see anyone else ecept demons?-std

- someone has to be there to help me! HELP! HELP! HELP!

- how many times you have to scream to realize noone is there?-std

-billion screams i will shout, just to be saved

- again! Mortal! You will not be saved! EVER!-std

- why, why you say that?

- look at you! Who will love you when u hate your fucking self!? You want to cut your own skin! You are more worthless than all humans!- std

-dont say it! I can live! I know i can!

-why dont you then? Why you only survive? When u say u can live!?- asked the demon

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