Wolf has tagged me...whyyyyyy...
Ten Facts:
1. I have an orange belt in Okinowan Goju Ryu karate.
2. I have a cat named Swizzle. Don't ask XD
3. I literally have no dresses.
4. I'm pretty sure I can be classified as semi-insane...
5. There are times when I respect animals more than people.
6. If I could be any animal in the world, I would be a snow leopard.
7. I am OBSESSED with The Phantom of the Opera.
8. I am a junior Wilderness Survivalist.
9. I am a very clumsy person...
10. KILL IT WITH FIREFavorite Quote:
"THIS! IS! SPARTA!" ~ King Leonidas, 300"You are confused with life?...here, allow me to liberate you from it." ~ Myself
"I gave you my music, made your song take wing, and now, how you've repaid me? Denied me and betrayed me..." ~ Erik Destler, The Phantom of the Opera
Favorite Food:
BaconnnnnnnnnnnnnnFavorite Song:
"Renegade Runaway" by Carrie Underwood.Favorite Color:
Does camo count?...Favorite Book/Movie Character:
ERIK DESTLERFavorite Book:
...you expect me to choose one?...Favorite Place to Read:
A dark closet...Favorite Candy:
._.Where I Am Right Now:
A dark closet...What I Am Doing:
Sitting in a dark closet...What I Am Eating:
YOUR SOULLLLWhat I Am Going to Do Today:
Eat food...read books...forget to do homework...Who I Am Talking To In PM:
Currently, nobody.Wattpad Friends I Know IRL:
domokid392Halloween Costume:
A homemade costume of a person wearing a super fancy tuxedo and a highlighter orange hunting jacket. That there takes some creativity, am I right?Worst Halloween Giveaway:
I don't even know...Tags:
I think most of the people I know have already been tagged, and so, since I am feeling particularly generous, I shall refrain from tagging anyone. Have a nice day!