9. History

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Jennifer's POV

Tonight's my flight and I don't feel it, but I have no choice than to go and deal with those sh*ts my father is dealing now. I hate it actually and now that I am gonna meet Jake, WTF did he do really? 15M dollars seriously? What did he do with it? I'm really gonna fvcking kill him.

My phone is ringing, Harry. I smiled while picking it up. "Good evening Honey." He said sweetly but I can hear his sleepy voice.

I giggled. "Hmmm, good evening papi." I called him papi first.

"You sound sexy." He sand and chuckled.

"Thank you. You should go back to sleep it's late." I suggested because why not? It's 11:30 and I don't want him to be sleepless. "I'm just gonna call you when I landed."

"Can I take you to the airport?"

"Nope, Leah will go with me, she's gonna accompany me."

"Oh okay, take care Honey. I love you." I LOVE YOU . . . ugh the feeling. I always feel like it's our very first time, I bit my lip to keep myself from squealing.

I love you too." I said, hiding my exploding squeal.

"What spirit did ride with you?" I jumped when I saw Leah leaning on my door frame.

"Sh*t Leah." I muttered. "Don't ruin my moment." I threw a pillow at her.

"Sorry . . .now go." She mouthed and went out my room. I shook my head and focused on Harry again.

"Baby I'm sorry, 'twas Leah."

"You two are like sisters, you're cute." LOL. "If you're catching your flight, you should go, I don't want you to be left." He's so sweet.

"Thank you baby, I'll call you."

"And I love you." I smiled the widest.

I climbed in Leah's car and she threw me a look, she's effin smiling . . .weird? IDK!!! Her face is indescribable. "Hey, just drive don't look at me like that."

"Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer." She giggled and shook her head, starting the car.


Finally I'm here at my dad's house. Safe and sound, all I wanna do right now is to lie down the bed and sleep. But I need to call Harry first, I missed him so much now.

"Hello baby, I'm already missing you." I said sleepy.

"Hmmm, I missed you too already, but Honey you should take a rest, I know you're tires."

Awe, he really is so sweet and caring.

"Thank you Harry, I love you."

"I love you more Honey." And we hung up.


I woke up with someone poking my nose, I flutter my eyes and saw a little girl beside me. I sat up and stared at her. "What's your name?" I asked with a smile so she'll not be intimidated by me.

"I'm Emme." She sweetly answered. But who are her parents? Why is she here?

"What are you doing here?"

"Jake asked me to wake you up but you're so pretty sleeping so I just poked your nose softly."

Jake? Is she his daughter? No, it can't be. She calls him Jake, not dad.

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