13. Ready?

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Harry's POV

Her father is somewhat evil! So I have to be careful telling him about my life and avoid things about racing or else Lynn and I will be broken.

"I am not gonna do and spit something that'll break us apart, I promise that to you Madame Baby."

She looks down, "Don't promise me Harry, just try." She sighed.

"Okay, I'll try because what's important for me right now is you, I love you so much Lynn." I pulled her chin up and made her look at me in the eyes. "Are you with me?" I asked. She's just looking at me so I asked her again. "Lynn, are you with me?"

She wallowed and breathed. "Yeas Harry I am with you."

We smiled at each other. I pulled her for a hug and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry Madame Baby, just trust me and we'll be all right." She just hugs me tighter and said okay. "Let's go back, your dad might think I'm hitting you right now." She pulled away and playfully pushed me.

"Whatever you say Hairy Harry." Huh? Hairy? I touched my face, and yeah I'm already hairy.

"I'll be shaving tomorrow." I said still rubbing my face.

"Hmmm, okay Mr. Caveman." She giggled the cutest.

"You're so mean to me, you should know that."

She nods. "Yeah I know. So let's go down, I'm famished."


Jennifer's father, I and Jake are talking about things, I have to remind myself not to tell something about racing. I don't wanna be apart from Madame Baby, I'll be dying if I lose her.

"So Harry what are you doing?" oh sh*t, I don't have any other job except for racing, think Harry. . . think!

"Um . . ." what should I tell him? "I'm a . . ." I landed my sight to Lynn and she mouthed me . . . "I'm a music teacher." What? Did she really just suggest that? She's now laughing her ass off from where she and Anne are.

"Really? What kind of music?"

"All kinds of music and I also teach piano lessons." I tried to smile.

"Well that's nice." Yeah nice!

Anne called us back to the dining area to eat of course. I'm sitting next to Madame Baby, we're holding each other's hand under the table. I looked at Jake and Anne they're so sweet feeding each other at the same time flirting. Then Lynn's father cleared his throat, Jake and Anne stopped then Lynn stuck her tongue out to Jake, they're like kids.

"So when will I get my grandchildren?" Lynn almost spat her wine.

"Dad, seriously? We're not yet ready to get married, now you're asking us to have your grandchildren?" Lynn answered and that means she's not yet ready. I respect that even though every time I see her, made me feel so horny.

"I'm getting older and so are you." He chuckled and Lynn shook her head. "How about you Jake and Anne, what's your plan?"

Anne smiled and answered, "We're planning about it, maybe 2 months after the wedding."

I leaned to Lynn, "They're engaged?" I asked referring to Anne and Jake.

"Yeah, nearly a year already. They're getting married this coming December." I nodded.

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