29. Knowing The Truth

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Harry's POV

"Babe." Jennifer poked my nose and that woke me up. It's too early in the morning and I can hear the birds chirping. "Get up, we are going to get a dog today right?" yeah I remember, but it's too early, stores are not yet open right at this moment. I fluttered my eyes only to see her dressed up. Not Really! She's just wearing her denim shorts and a tank top with her hair tightly tied on a messy bun.

"Baby what time is it? Isn't it too early? Just come here instead and cuddle me more."

"Ew you're like a girl." She threw me a pillow. I caught her arm and pulled her onto me, hugging her tight, never letting her go. "You smell so nice, heaven." I whispered, kissing her neck. "Hmmm." She softly moaned. I chuckled, hearing those moans from her. "You're still naked?" she asked me, biting her lip. And yeah I'm still naked from last night's love making. "Yes why?" I innocently asked her, as if I don't know what's gonna happen next. She smirked, roaming down her hands under the blanket to reach for my friend. "You are hard." Her devilish side smile turned me on so much. She then straddled me, clasping my hands with her. She started moving her hips in circle, sitting on my friend just like that. She leaned down, kissing me hard but passionate and deep, but a moment later, "I'm tired and hungry." She pulled away, staring at me with her puppy face. "Seriously? You're hanging me?" she just smirked squishing my face and saying "Please."

"Okay. Breakfast in bed?" I raised my brows, waiting for her answer.

"Only if you cook and get it all here." Okay she's being so lazy ass again and I'm the worker, she's the boss and I'm the...most boss. She laid back down the bed, covering her body with the blanket, I propped on my elbow, staring at her most beautiful eyes, they are so perfect. "You are really something, my everything." She smiled, pulling me for another kiss. "Yes I know, so can you please put your clothes on and go downstairs and cook?"

"Hey I'm not your maid."

"I know you're my soon to be husband and you should serve me right."

"Oh come on I'm always serving you right, and you always get what you want because I love you too damn much. More than I love my cars."

"I thought there's no talking about those cars, races and everything?" shit! Yes, I remember, we made a deal, we should forget what had happened in the past and focus right at this moment and especially on the future. "I'm sorry, please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad Harry, just forget it!" here we go! She jumped out from the bed, walking out from the room. I'm such an idiot. I took a deep breath and lightened the situation by letting her cool down and I'm taking a bath. Later on, we'll be okay again.

I found her in the kitchen, making pancakes. She has flour on her face but she still looks so perfect standing there. "Madame Baby." I muttered, but she's not looking at me yet. "Hey." I held her hand, stopping her from what she was doing. "What?!" she snapped me out. "Are we always going to fight like this? We're fighting with no reasons and you're always the one starting it." she looked at me with her wide eyes. "I don't like this; our relationship won't work out if we keep on fighting for the simplest things."

"What are you trying to say then? You're breaking this up? And what do you want me to say? 'I'm sorry I'm too immature.' Is that what you want me to say?"

"No, Jennifer no. It's just that, let's not fight like that. I don't want to lose you, I don't want us to be hurt because I love you." I framed her face, pecking her lips softly. She sighed, "You're right." She finally smiled. "I love you too. I'm sorry." She finally gave into my arms, I smiled so wide and then I kissed her head, nuzzling on her hair. "I love you so much." She breathed so hard then suddenly... "Fuck!" she muttered, covering her mouth, running towards the sink and threw up like never before. My instinct is kind of becoming true. "Hey, what's wrong? Is there something you're not telling me?"

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